
What is the cutest/funniest thing your pet has done?

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my yorkie Kujo always rolls over like he want his belly rubbed but he kicks u it so cute and funny




  1. I sometimes tess my little dog when i feed her a little dog treat she is so cute!

  2. my basset hound puts his ear in his mouth because it's so long. he does that like it's a pacifier or he's "sucking his thumb" or something. it's just sooo adorable and funny!

  3. If you say to my dog " Who's a clever boy" he stands on his hind legs and puts his hands up as if to say " Me mummy I'm a clever boy" I love him so much he's my little Angel.

  4. My cat Grey will give you hugs. :3 he'll put his paws on one of your shoulders and hug you ! Once he climbed onto my back doing that XD

  5. I have 2 things to share about my male Lab.  When we are going for a car ride (I have a Blazer with a sun roof) he sets his front paws on the center arm rest and sticks his head out the sun roof the entire ride.  No matter how fast we are going (even 70 mph on the tollway) he never gives up.  Its funny to drive down the road and to see on coming traffic point and crack up laughing.

    Both of our Labs sleep with us at night.  My male is very needy and needs to cuddle with you at all times.  One night, my husband came home from a boys night out to find us sleeping.  I was sleeping on my side and my male was curled up next to me (kinda like a spooning position) and he had his head resting on top of mine facing the same direction.  My husband took a picture with his phone.  I wish I had access to it right now to share but I dont.

    Oh one more thing....A few years ago I was in the hospital for 3 weeks with Menengitis and Encephilitis.  After a week, I ended up getting Sepsis from a pick IV and had to go back to the hospital.  Both of my dogs totally freaked out like I have never seen them freak out before.  They made it almost impossible for anyone to control them as I was trying to leave to go back to the hospital.  Dogs have such incredible instincts.  Both of my dogs are total 'Mama's boy/girl".

  6. I had a Border Collie who would stick his nose up your shorts so that your hand would come down to pat his head.  A cold nose on your leg under your shorts is not pleasant and it always worked for him.   It did take us a while to work out what he was doing.

  7. haha, my boston terrier chases snow and water. Like, if you throw a snowball into the snow he'll chase after it and then earnestly try to find it. Same with the hose! He'll chase the hose water back and forth and jump for it and look for it if it splashes in other water.

  8. Not mine but, my friends dog Maddix(he's a pug) will jump on the chair and then on to the kitchen tables becaouse the cats do and it makes him think he can too.=]]

  9. When I worked at this one vet's office, I never could figure out how fur was getting into my coffee cup everyday. I would clean the front office, then go back and clean the cat ward. When I came back up to open the doors, there were always cat hairs in my coffee.

    One day, I came up early and caught the office cat dipping his paw and l*****g the coffee off. He had been doing this to me for months! I put out a lil saucer for him each morning and viola, no more cat hairs in my coffee!

  10. My cat that's nearly 15 has all of a sudden taken to whizzing in the toilet. Really weird, I wish I could train all 4 of them that way.

  11. My cat Dalton sleeps on his back with one paw draped across his eyes to block out the light.  It sounds silly to describe, you really have to see it, but whenever he sleeps like that he looks like he's been out drinking all night and is nursing a massive migraine...that position and those little polka dots on his tummy.....he's just edible he's so cute!

  12. made me dinner

  13. my two cats help clean each other, i think its dead sweet, considering there not brother or sister, mum or dad lol

  14. My husky acts like a cat and wedges his body next to you and underneath your arm so that you can scratch him.  And he likes to wiggle across the yard on his back.  It's so funny because his little white feet kick in the air as he wiggles around.






  16. Tulssa my Corgi.  She was running for the river to go in and she tripped on a twig, and rolled down the hill and went head first right into the river.  I am sure the whole neighborhood heard me laughing.  I mean it was like Jack and Jill I am sure.  Also my new dog Roper, we have slight hills on our yard....was rolling over onto his back to have his tummy rubbed, and he just kept on rolling and rolling to the bottom, and instead of getting up...he just stayed there.  I honestly think he was to dizzy to move.  What a cute thing to have seen with both.

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