
What is the cutest word your child cannot pronounce and how do they say it

by Guest66356  |  earlier

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My daughter says 'mipples' instead of nipples and its very cute : )




  1. My daughter use to say zipples

    Our dogs name is Naya and she use to call her non-ee  

  2. In kindergarden my daughter brought home a worksheet where she had to pencil in the first letter of each word (picture above it).  I was proofing her homework and said oh you made a mistake.  There's no W in this word.

    "But mommy, it's a wing."  (ring)

    my son (now 9) used to say Cheeseboogers.

  3. A little 2 year old boy I used to take care of would ask me what I had on my hands I would say  Gloves he would repeat me and say Gwubs. He was too cute.  : )

  4. Lola's only 13 months old (will be 14 in 10 days) and she is attempting some words but isn't quite there. Her baby gibberish is cute though and she goes dadada when she is happy and content and when she gets hurt she goes muhmuhmuh.

  5. haha why does your daughter even need to say nipples?!

    My 8yr old used to say "hargie" instead of "hungry"

    My 5yr old would say "i think so" like "i fin fo"

    &my 3yr old used to say, not so much anymore; "gunna" instead of grandma!

  6. my daughter used to say fire f*ck, instead of fire truck!!

  7. My daughter says something like "coershimals" for commercials.  She just turned 4.

    When my brother was younger, he called cucumbers "bungers".

  8. Lets See, the cutest?

    Ayva - Aya

    Grandpa - PaPa

    Lisa - Isa

    Kelly - Lelly

    Ryder - Baby! (that ones the cutest - they wont even attempt it)

  9. My kids are going through a faze where everything is 'fantastic' Though they say, "Its Spastic'

  10. Ok, my kids have grown up with Trucks - My Grandparents own a fleet and Daddy is a Trucker.

    Sometimes they say the F word instead of truck.

    My Dog is called Bones, he got *Moans* - Ironically he has been moaning a bit lately

    Tobias - Topasss.

    Charli - Chaw weeeee

    Monkey/Donkey - Onkly

    River - Wivler

    Mistake - Mister

    Nanny & Poppy - Manny & Oppy

    Oh there are thousands here. My kids seem to chuck an *L* in most words, but they are getting better.

    Sometimes though when your in the middle of the mall, and your nearly 3yo, screams out *Oppy's F**k* It is a little embarrassing.

  11. my 2 year old is always talking about bunny rabbits, except according to her, they are "money waddits"....haha!

  12. My daughter is 16 months, and when she wants more she says "more Dada", it's SOOO cute!

    She also says "dup" for cup.   The cutest is names.  Her daycare friends Morgan and Anthony she says "Morny" and "Ant-nee".  

  13. My baby's not here yet, but my little niece used to always say "wibbina" for "living room."  She say, "It's in the wibbina!" with such enthusiasm.  It was adorable.

  14. I had a cousin who had the "fire truck" pronunciation issue, where he said f*** instead. Unfortunately I heard about it young, and announced it at his graduation party (I was probably like four).

    My sister mispronounced "egotistical" once. She said, "ego-t******e," instead. I think that one is my favorite, because it never even occurred to me as a possible mistake.  

  15. I always used to say lellow instead of yellow! and lemon instead of l,m in the alphabet. lol.

  16. When my daughter was younger she said "dinger" instead of "finger" which was adorable.  And when she'd share things, she'd say "one dor dor me"  instead of "for".  Guess we had a problem with the "F"'s...  

  17. Our 2yr says a lot of funny things, but what really cracks me up is how he says people's names.

    Our babysitter's name is Samantha and he calls her "Santamanta." We had twins in April named Logan and Janine, which he calls "Wo-gun" and "A-knee-n". Cracks me up every time.

  18. Burgers = boogers

    Volenteer - wollenteer

    Chloe - clowy (cloudy with the d)

    Lilly - willy

    Gran - gang

    teletubbies - tv tubbies

    Fish fingers - fish hingers

    her sisters - bubba

    Nicola - wik-ah-wah

    drink of lemonade - dinky-ade

    she is 2 years old!


  19. Salami instead of Tsunami


    Shellfish instead of Selfish

    My older one also would say Helihocker instead of helicopter

  20. hang da burr for hamburger.  She's older now and still eats them

  21. my son says "bluebabies" instead of blueberries

    he says "cheeseberber" instead of cheeseburger

    he says "pee-pee" instead of sleepy

    he is almost 3, but he has a speech delay and has only been talking for a few months

  22. my little sis says fosisticated instead of sophisticated

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