
What is the dark discolouring appearing at the base of one of my front teeth

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I have been told that an old knock suffered many years ago need not manifest into a injury until way into the future. Is this tooth dying and what if anything can be done given there is infection present now. ie does the erosion of stable bone restrict my options for treatment.




  1. show a pic then maybe I'll be able to help. It's probably a cavitiy.

  2. there might be options, do you have dental insurance? i would ask a professional's opinion

  3. Go to the dentist immediately!  If the tooth is still viable, time is of the essence!  I repeat, go to the dentist!!!!

  4. that is what it sounds like that your tooth has no nerve in it anymore and that your tooth is dying. You really need to go to the dentist I am not an expert but it will get worse and soon the whole tooth will be black

  5. Maybe it isn't from former injury.  I've heard that some acne medications could cause discoloration of the gums or sensitivity of teeth.  I don't know if this would go as far as "dark-discoloring", but you could always call a dermatologist or a family doctor and ask if there are certain symptoms of medications that could cause what your experiencing.  That is, if you are currently on medications of any sort.  Also, do you do any smoking or chewing?  That could always worsen problems of the mouth, though I still doubt it would cause the sudden discoloring.  If you don't take meds, I guess just call your dentist!  Wish I could help more!

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