
What is the darkest place?

by  |  earlier

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What is the darkest place?




  1. Inside an asteroid traveling between galaxies.  Pretty d**n dark, cold too.  Blessed be.

  2. the grave

  3. In my ****...

    hey it won't let me say ****...

    FINE, in my @$$

  4. the corner where your deepest fear waits to meet you

  5. the cupboard under the stairs, because there's no window and the bulb has blown.

  6. I don't know why "dark" has to represent evil. Is the bottom of the ocean evil?

    When I meditate, I decend into a warm, muffled, darkness and the darker it becomes, the more inside myself I am. There are absolutely no evil or malicious intentions there, no demons, no hate or fear, just me, alone, in quiet. That's where my darkest place is.

    As far as "darkest" if you meant "evil," evil is everywhere. The most evil places are often out in the sunlight....

    Try not to put your mind in such a box.


  7. under my bed lol

  8. The river Styx

  9. My mind.

    My closet's pretty dark, too.

    But a persons mind can swallow up their sanity, make them think crazy things, and destroy a person until all that's left in a shivering lump of flesh. The mind can destroy.

  10. dark as in evil i wud say is h**l...dark like scary pitch black? uhmmmm space....the other side of the moon u no the dark side where no light has ever touched

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