
What is the date and time now in australia ia in the philippines ?

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What is the date and time now in australia ia in the philippines ?




  1. Friday 29th August 2008 7:43 pm but itll probably be 7:45 pm by the time this is posted up or 7:44pm yeah

  2. It is the same year, month , week and day as in the Philippines.

    Australia is divided into three separate time zones.

    So in MANILA it is 6:15pm

    In Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne it is 8:15pm

    In Darwin and Adelaide it is 7:45pm

    In Perth it is 6:15pm

    Sydney goes to daylight savings soon so will be 3 hrs ahead of Manila.

    The link below will give you a good World Clock

  3. you are sat at a pc, use it,  

  4. it's 9:31 pm august 29 here in perth.

    same time with Philippines.

    for sydney and melbourne, it's 11:31 pm. they're two hours ahead than perth.  

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