
What is the deadliest animal to man?

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What is the deadliest animal to man?




  1. The mosquitoes that transmit the malaria pathogen kill more people that any other animal.  I doubt we humans murder a million of fellow beings annually.

  2. Another man

  3. umm i would say man. like some other people have said, we dont have natural predators. were our own predators. and umm i dont think its mosquitos cause they only live in warm climates. they cant get the people that live in cold climates can they ;p.

  4. I'd say all reptiles (except turtles/tortoises)... Snakes... They're the deadliest to man...

    Of course, there are many others... But I'd say a snake. I wish all deadly animals would die...

    I hope that helps. :)


  5. There are many many classes of parasites among the animal kingdom.

    Such as Platyheminthes, these include flukes, flatworms and tapeworms.

    The worst of these is the schistosomiasis, a type of fluke which kills almost as many people as tropical disease.

    People often mistake animals as being mammals, fish, birds etc.

    But there are many more tiny, invasive and deadly animals

  6. An angry meerkat with a bazooka

  7. Polar bears are the only animal that actively hunts humans, but hippos do kill a lot of humans year on year. The deadliest animal to man is itself, however. We pollute our own planet and take more than we need. We are our own worst enemy.

  8. Mosquito

  9. Mosquito

  10. A man without a weapon would be helpless against allot of wild animals

  11. women especially the one from next door to me who ran off with my partner of 16 yrs,only to dump him after 11 weeks,because she thought he was the wealthiest of the 2 of us, very wrong im the one with the

  12. Bright colored frogs.  Too good looking not to pick up and l**k.  Only then do you remember they are poisonous.

  13. The most potent poison is the nerve toxin on the skin of the Poison Arrow Frogs. It would take something like just 0.0000006 of a gram to poleaxe an adult human.

  14. My lovers hubby !!!!

  15. man. they are the only animal that kills for fun.

  16. I liked the mosquito answer, but the mosquito doesn't deliberately kill.

    The deadliest animal that kills men deliberately is a total sleeper that most people would never guess.  It is Eschrichtius robustus, the Pacific gray whale.  Yes, I do indeed mean the same gentle giants of the Baja California, Mexico calving lagoons that bring their babies up to small boats to be petted by humans.

    How could a gray whale hurt you, besides leaping on you, since it doesn't even have any teeth?  They were pretty good at leaping on small boats, but their most formidable weapon was a ten foot wide fly-swatter with a 20-foot long handle, powered by a muscle four feet thick.  

    The only time we know for certain that they are dangerous is when we are harpooning them or their babies, but gray whale hunting is probably the single most dangerous occupation ever devised.  Gray whales didn't just jump on a whaling boat and let that be the end of it, like humpbacks or sperm whales.  Gray whales then went after the individual men, frequently bringing the men back to just out of range of whatever weapons they had.  

    The gray might grab the man by an appendage and flail the body back and forth until they separated, and it could do that up to five times per body.  It might grab the man in the middle and squeeze so hard he literally barfed his guts out.  That one was a recurring favorite.  A gray can throw a man farther than a man can throw a football, and it can slam a man into the side of his own ship so hard it sinks the ship within seconds.  A gray can flip a man so high that one poor soul's body got tangled in a ship's "fore topgallent foot-ropes."  That means that it got tangled in the foot-ropes of the fourth and highest yard on the front mast of a square-rigged whaling ship.  The fall from that height alone would kill you, no matter where you landed.

    If you want more, Google Captain Charles Melville Scammon, and follow the links until you get to his log, but beware, this is truly the stuff nightmares are made of.

  17. the Hippo kills more than any other of the big uns.. but im sure there's an insect out there that's got more kills under its belt

  18. Man.

    But if you mean in terms of poisons, then it would be something like the little box jellyfish found around Australia

  19. Woman. Men are drawn to women as moths to a flame!

  20. According to Attenborough it is the Polar Bear

  21. The most dangerous animal in the world is mosquito. Many don't realised that because they're quite small, and don't affect much computer-using people like Yahoo! members :)

    Following the world's summary, each year there were hundred - millions of people died of mosquitoes - or the diseases they bring. Apparently, these little creatures just "take a little blood from biggies" and merely make no danger for the victim.But they get viruses, germs, ect from smelly  places like garbage dumps, dustbins, toilets ( I'm sorry, but it's true and don't shy )... where they live ands give births. When mosquitoes inhales blood, they additionally pump viruses, germs' egg into the blood stream, and the germs, viruses populates there, weakening the victim by there custom effects.

    Mosquitoes has a very fast life circle ( a circle in which a mosquitoe born, develop , give birth and die ) , thus their worldwide population is uncountable. " Many small  makes the big ". :-S

    Malaria is the main disease that mosquitoes bring. There's also heart-worm, and more normal ones. Most important, MOSQUITOES CREATES CONTAGIOUS DISEASES BY BLOOD. We can immediately think of how serious of which blood - source disease can make...Much is bad and none is good.

  22. pffft. the polar bear? have you seen them in antartica walking around streets and sneaking into sheds and houses to get into the pantry. of course then the polar bear patrol comes along and shoots them. no wonder they hunt humas they're one of the most intelligent life forms out ther. besides the answer is humans. we have no natural predators so have to rely on each other to keep our survival rates down so we dont take over the world. its not working tho.

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