
What is the deal on being an on line prop poker player?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone ever been an on line proposition poker player? If so how did it work out?

I have an opportunity to do this but I am not sure of the in's and out's of it?

A proposition player is a player that gets paid to play. (Although you have to use your own money to actually play).




  1. Are you a positive expectation player?  If yes, continue.  What do you estimate to be the % of your win is attributable to your game selection?  As a prop player, you need to subtract that % because you have no ability to choose games.  If you think you are still a positive expectation player, then go for it.

  2. What is poker

  3. I'm not sure if its a good idea.  As a prop you are used to start new tables, and are often moved because they need you to move.  Is what they are paying you enough to offset the potential to lose out on profitably play situations.

    If you are playing in a really juicy game and they need you elsewhere, isn't that going to cost you more than they pay you?

    So I guess it depends on the rules, and what they are offering to pay you.

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