
What is the deal with Emo/Goth/Mosher or whatever you call them teenagers?

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Are they really depressed, or are they making themselves depressed by always dressing in black and listening to heavy music?

Can someone please explain is this just a moody teenager phase or are these young people disturbed?

Do teenagers who self harm do it because they think its cool?




  1. Word: most of the stuff they listen to isn't that heavy.

  2. Well, a lot of them are lost somehow or really are depressed, but most of it all is just a style of clothing. It's how a lot of teenagers express themselves.

    Teenagers want to be different and stand out. I should know, because I am one. I am not emo or goth or anything in that category, but a lot of teenagers are just trying to find themselves. They want to be complete individuals.

    And cutting yourself and harming yourself is never considered cool. Teens do that when they have personal problems. It's for different reasons, like self guilt, or bad family problems, or anything else of the sort. I don't do that, but I know someone who has done it before. It's self mutilation, no one is ever usually proud of it. Most people keep it to themselves, though some could do it for attention.

    The below site will show you how it started as a style of music, and what it has turned into today:

  3. There are several variables in here that cause teenagers to go goth.  One is a feeling of neglect.  If they are naturally outcast, then they come to accept that fact and then dress differently than other people just to make them stay away.  Some do it for attention.  They might feel that they aren't getting enough attention and do crazy things like hurt themselves and dress different to get attention.  Even if it's bad attention, it's better than no attention in their eyes.  I don't think it's just a phase.  I mean some of it may be a phase, but some of it isn't.  If the person is just looking for attention, then if they get the attention, than they may get out of that phase.  I kind of feel sorry for Goth people in a sense, because usually there is a reason for their actions, and usually it's the wrong ones.

  4. for me, when i feel depressed i dress in black and listen to that music that fits my mood. we dont think its cool to harm ourselves, its just something to get us by or make us feel better... physical pain=less emotional pain.... teenagers have it harder that adults think we do  

  5. most are just looking for ppl to look at them and talk

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