
What is the deal with Packer Fans?????

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I know not all but some. Reports now at the camp have groups of packers fans chanting rodgers sucks and we want brett. Come on packer fans. Yes he was a awesome quaterback and he is what makes GreenBay football. But thats in the past, cant you see that aaron is your future. If you have any hope at being a good team later on you need a "young" quaterback to start learning. No he isnt gonna be a farve right from the get go but who knows he could be better. And I cant wait till a couple years if he is good when all you fans are like I love aaron. When just a few years ago you wanted him off the team. Oh how I love Bandwagoners. Rodgers should be a good quaterback and if I started a football team right now I would want him instead of Farve. So smarten up Packer fans and realize the Farve era is gone and all he is just a distraction to your team. Remember this is all his fault and no one else's, they didnt force him to retire. So dont blame the team and especially not Rodgers because he is handling it very well. Im sure this will be reported as a rant but oh well. Your thoughts???




  1. Those people are Favre fans first, Packer fans second, I'm ashamed of them. They refuse to admit that our QB abandoned us and told ESPN he wanted to play for the Vikings just so he could play the Packers twice this season. I hate to see him in another uniform but he has whined and complained for too long now.

    GO AARON RODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. All I have to say is Rodgers has big shoes to fill. I feel sorry for him.

    Can't wait till they play each other. Oh boy pressure on. I am so.......

    "Ready For Some Football"

  3. I'm a packer fan and that pretty much sums up this ridiculous ordeal.  The organization is finished with his inability to make up his mind and wants to move on.  I also hope Rodgers is successful so those "Favre fans" can put their foot in their mouths!!!  

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  4. Poor Rodgers. That's not right that they're chanting that c**p. Favre was fun to watch, but it's now time to move on. Bring on Aaron, lets see what hes got.

  5. I completely agree with you.  I'm not sure if the people chanting "rogers sucks" and all that stuff are necessarily bandwagon fans, but they definitely are Favre fans before they are Packer fans.  I hate those fans.  If you want to root for an individual person in sports, I'd recommend watching NASCAR.  Football is all about the team before any individual player.  I love Favre and I love the Packers, but the Packers come before Favre any day of the week.  He's been taking advantage of the Packers in previous off-seasons and I'm glad that the Packers actually stood up and said, "Sorry Brett, but when you retired, we moved on."  

    Favre told the Packers that he wanted to come back just a few weeks after retiring.  They planned on announcing it just after the draft.  So, the Packers got their draft plan together thinking that Favre would be back.  But, two days before the draft, he called the Packers and said that he was done for good.  So, we tailor our entire draft plan around not having Favre.  Now, he wants back and thinks that he'll be welcomed with open arms.  I, for one, am glad that Packers management said no to him.  Go Pack!

  6. Obviously such fans are summer-time fans in that they are fans just some-of-the-time.  They certainly share one thing in common with Brett Boo-Hoo Favre and that is they are azzholes.

  7. Wow, where do you want to start?  

  8. Favre is getting old.  I mean come on, 17 seasons straight with Green Bay, in the cold and snow too.  WHEREVER he goes he won't play for long.  You can't plan a future around Favre no matter what team you are.

    I loved Brett Favre, but no player is above the team.  If you aren't in the game for your TEAM, then you're in the wrong sport.  Sorry.

    Packer fans will understand, but some are Favre fans and not actual Packer Fans.  Thats the difference.

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