
What is the deal with Queen size mattress sets for sale in plastic for 200$?

by  |  earlier

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Here in detroit we see signs along the road quite often advertising queen sized pillow op mattress sets for 200 bucks - new in plastic.

I'm sure they have "fallen off a truck" or something to that effect, but is it possible they really are reasonably new?

I need a new bed something fierce and I've been unemployed for a while.

Anyone have any idea what they story is behind these?




  1. It may be different in Detroit, but where I live, cheap mattresses advertised at the side of the road are usually stock discarded by mattress sellers because of ineradicable bedbugs. Scammers buy them at auction, wrap them in plastic (bedbugs and all) and sell them at a discount. The plastic is supposed to lead you to believe that the mattresses are bedbug-free.

    I'd like to know if this is the case in Detroit.

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