
What is the deal with Russians laying claim to Alaska?

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What is the deal with Russians laying claim to Alaska?




  1. because the russians owned alaska back in the 1800's,  when the Russian Empire started to decline the USA bought it for alot of millions of dollars to not let britain take it and some russians beleived that it was a 100 year lease which is not true

  2. the bought it on e-bay.

    Would you like to buy Hawaii?

  3. I'm not sure about Alaska, but several countries are laying claim to the North Pole.  It seems that many are already conceding that the polar cap will melt.  Since there will not be any icebergs in the way, it will be much easier to drill oil off of sea platforms.

    The interesting thing is no one is mentioning 'Global Warming' as the cause why the icebergs will melt. In a rush to claim oil many countries, including the US, will sacrifice coastal cites for oil.  If the ice on Greenland and the South Pole melts, the oceans will rise a few feet.  Couple that effect with tidal currents, and we'll be surfing in downtown Manhattan, Miami, Los Angeles, New Orleans, etc...

    I suggest you start buying undeveloped land on high ground now.  We will have access to oil in the North Pole

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