
What is the deal with everyone????

by Guest65106  |  earlier

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How come people are totally against circumcising ???

I am circumcised and i would be mad if i weren't so i guess i am just wondering what is wrong with being circumcised??? Cuz i wouldn't have it any other way!!!




  1. My 2 brothers are circumcised.

    I always believed growing up that it was the normal thing to do.

    The guy I'm seeing is circumcised too and personally I think it is much better.

    It is so much easier to keep it clean and hygienic.

    But there is all kinds of research favouring not doing it, and as a nurse my job is to be open to suggestion, so until the time I have children of my own, I choose to be totally impartial.

  2. Dude because it puts a baby boy through pain, You obviously don't remember it because you were WAY to young. Their are no proven medical benefits. It is sometimes done for religious reasons or medical, that is all. If female circumsision is considered to be torture why is male circumsision considered normal. It was put their for a reason. It's more cleaner? I don't think boys are incapable of pulling back the f******n and cleaning it. Mothers think "oh if we cut this off he won't have to clean it". It doesn't take much effort to do it for god sake.

  3. The natural state of man is to have a f******n.   Circumcision is male genital mutilation, and damages the p***s and sexual ability, and it is abnormal and unnatural.

    Circumcision destroys sensitivity, it makes the p***s smaller, the doctors richer, and the minority religious groups of which the doctors are frequently members can claim another victim--as they try to impose this on others whenever they can.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

    If  God had wanted me to have a f******n, I would have been born with one.

    You state that you wouldn't have it any other way?   Fine--you are ignorant of what was stolen from you.     s*x, masturbation and orgasms are much more pleasurable with a f******n.

    In my particular case, the nerve damage resulted in so much of a loss of sensitivity that it was impossible for me to reach o****m in normal s*x.

    I'm restoring my f******n, and sensitivity has increased tremendously.

    Orgasms are more powerful than I ever thought possible.

    Several friends of mine who were circumcised in their late teens, and restored their foreskins all concur that:

    s*x with an intact f******n is a .........................10

    s*x after circumcision is a................................. 3

    s*x after restoring the f******n is a..................... 7

    A natural, normal and complete p***s feels and functions better than a scarred, mutilated and partial one.

  4. Nothings wrong with it....

  5. It's just a matter of preference.Some women like their men uncircumcised but I personally find it disgusting.Oral s*x on a guy that isn't circumcised makes me physically ill but not everyone is like that.Nothing is wrong with being circumcised.As long as you're happy with it no one else's opinion should matter to you.

  6. There is nothing wrong with circumcision either way. It is simply a matter of opinion. I have been with a man who was circumcised and a man who was not. In my opinion it feels much better when the guy is not circumcised. But hey that is just me. And I am perfectly happy with my boyfriend and his circumcised p***s...But it does feel better when the guy is not circumcised.

    I have heard a lot of girls say they think that it is gross one way or the other but I mean come on it is a p***s! Who cares what it looks like! As long as it works and the guy knows what he is doing, I am content.

    Personally when I have a son, I plan on not getting it done. As long as it is kept clean, there is nothing wrong with it. And I see no reason to really have it done in the first place.

  7. I think most people who are circumsized think its the best way and people who aren't think thats the best way.

    I'm circumsized and I'm happy that I am.

  8. Dude there is nothing wrong with being cut i think there are lots of people out here giving wrong info for example a young or new mom is asking should i get my newborn circimsised and the answer mostly from chicks is YES it is cleaner (if the little dude washes his unit everyday it is no dirtyer than a cut dude) it will not spread STD HIV ( if a dude has risky s*x cut or not he is going to catch the std cut or not) it spreads cancer ( if that was the case cervical and penial cancer would be at a ll time high in europe where most dudes are not circumsised.) It is just yucky (most USA chicks do not know any better and most dont realize thay have f******n too it is just not a practice that is done in the USA to circumsise a girl. He has to look like his dad (where is it written that he has to look like all the other penises out there) Dude if you get a chance check out some of the sites showing a infant circimsizon the doctor straps the baby on a form and gets some scissors and starts cutting away while the little dude screams bloody murder. it isnt a big deal for the parent becasue she is in her room away from the screams of the kid but if she were around and required to be there i really think parents would think twice about getting it done.


  9. some people don't want to be circumcised... its their decision... !

  10. You sound defensive. Why do you care if people are against circumcision?

    The deal with people being against circumcising is that it's not natural and it's wrong to perform on infants who have no say in the matter. If you as an adult, want to get your genitals cut, feel free. Just like you're free to put a piercing through your p***s.

  11. The reasons that it was made a tradition in America was fear based by spreading lies, which it still is these days where you have mothers who let their baby boy undergo mutilation for their own cosmetic perversion. To have doctors make money off mutilating small baby boys that havent given their consent for anyone to assault them is wrong. Although the result of circumcising boys is not anywhere as detrimental as female circumcision i still believe that it should be a crime as it is a crime to circumcise females.

    Now if you're 18 and want to have your p***s cut by having made a  conscious choice then fine with that.

    Propaganda and warstories like "its unhealthy to have f******n", "its very difficult to clean"(please know any guy who objects to rubbing his own c**k?), "all girls prefer circumcised(how the **** do anybody know that?)...

    Seeing as we are born with f******n it serves a purpose and is the most natural thing. A large majority of the world is not circumcised and its in decline therefore i call out bs.

  12. You obviously don't know much about the procedure then or what the f******n actually does.

    Here is a good start - read this blog:

    The f******n is an essential part of the p***s.  On the underside of the f******n are touch sensitive nerves - as the skin moves up and down like so:

    , the man experiences pleasure.  A cut man loses this mobility - so he can't m********e as well.  Another thing is that because the glans is now exposed then it becomes irritated and a layer of skin grows on top of the glans to protect it.  This skin is thick and hard and greatly reduces sensation.

    Because the shape and functionality of the cut p***s is so different then it is no longer designed to work as well with  a v****a.  So s*x is less satisfying for the woman.  You can find out the reasons why by looking at this site:


    There are no health benefits to circumcision despite any rumours you have heard.  This is just propaganda by pro-circ doctors.  In the beginning they did it to cure boys of masturbation.  Now they are still trying to convince parents to do it.  The latest one is that it prevents AIDS.  If you actually took a critical look at the studies here:

    then you would see that the evidence is often contradictory, the studies flawed in their methodology and there are lots of confounding factors, so no firm conclusions can be drawn .  This is why ALL doctors associations in the world no longer recommend routine infant circumcision.

    The risk of complication is actually quite high and often people end up without a fully functioning p***s.  Occasionally it gets killed in the process as what happened to David reimer.  You can see his sad story here:

    But mainly it is because nobody should have the right to cut off a bit of your genitals.  But alas because people believe that it is "cleaner" and they are uneducated as to the function of the v****a then they think they are actually doing some good.  This is why people are angry -because so many people are misinformed.

  13. the only thing that i can say is I guess they are crazy.. i have a little boy and he was circumsized.... i really thought every baby should be....

  14. no idea...? i don c wats wrong wit it!

  15. nothing wrong with it!!!! i am not circumcised and would not want to change it if it weren't for the fact that it would be cleaned. so i am thinking about it to.  

  16. I'm not circumcised, and my girlfriend loves it, you just need to keep yourself clean so you don't transfer and infection to your partner! I also read somewhere that having f******n helps you keep fluid in the v****a. The head of most uncircumcised penises are jutted out a bit from the shaft making a "windshield wiper" effect and scraping the fluid out making the chance for dry s*x higher. There really is no reason for anyone to run out and get circumcised other than it being their choice(religion), or they themselves being unhygienic. And don't let people tell you "it feels better" because thats just a matter of opinion and unless the person has had multiple penises of each type inside them they can't know for sure.

  17. There's nothing wrong with being circumsized. In fact, most women prefer a man to be circumsized. It's cleaner and it feels better :)

    Be proud! And don't let those ignorant people get you down!

  18. Because it shouldn't be done to a baby.

    that's great you're happy with it. Firstly you probably don't know what you're missing (most guys cut at birth do not understand how the f******n works, and obviously they don't know what it feels like). One study showed that even though most circumcised guys were happy, over half of them wished they could have chosen for themselves.

    I think it's a harmful procedure and it's unnecessary and cruel to infants. Just because many of the men to whom it was done don't understand what they were missing and don't mind, definitely does not make it right. An adult should have the choice to do what he wants.


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