
What is the deal with having fans? I did not know we could have fans. How does that happen?

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What is the deal with having fans? I did not know we could have fans. How does that happen?




  1. If someone likes you questions and/or answers, they can click on your avatar and add you as a contact -- that will make them your fan. You can do the same to others.

    Yamster's blog about it:

    Check the bottom of your profile page -- you have a few yourself!

  2. If someone wants to be your fan they hover over your avatar and click on the add contact button, and the same will work the other way if they want to be a fan of yours.

  3. l think its just so you can notice their letters and answers- like- if you find the answers someone gives-are good- or their questions-interesting- then add them to your fan mail- go into your profile daily-to see their q and a-.hope that helps?. x

  4. usually you go to the store and buy them

    ceiling fans etc.

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