
What is the deal with me and my contact lenses?

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I got contact lenses half a year ago, and it works good, but after about 5 or 6 hours, my eyes start feeling weird. When it happens, I have to blink a lot, and the contacts feel kinda dry. Sometimes, it makes my eyesight a little blurry (for a few minutes) too. I went to my eye doctor after the second month to get it checked, but all they gave me was a new perscription. It made no difference though. My eyes still felt dry and uncomfortable after 5 or 6 hours. It's really annoying, and I look like I'm crazy, cause I'd blink a lot when this happens. Does this happen to you? Do you guys know what this might be? I bought some dry eye solution, but it hasn't made much of a difference (I've only tried it twice though, so I don't know if it takes a while to see the results). I also have astigmatism, and both my eyes have a different degree. Also, my eye doctor has been perscribing me this eye solution cause I have this infection. I used




  1. I've had contacts for 4 years, and when I first got them I remember the same situation as yours. They said that the contacts they gave me weren't hydrated enough, so they prescribed me to a different brand of contact. They prescribed me to Night & Day (brand name) contacts. They also changed my solution to opti-free replenish. I haven't had the same problem since!

  2. You may have to consider the fact that you might not be a good candidate for contact lenses. Remember, in all essences, contact lenses ARE foreign objects, and your eyes might just not be accepting them very well.

    Just a thought though.

  3. Your eyes may be very dry.  Apply the medicines as prescribed by the doctor.  Do not continue old medicines without his advice.  Some medicines expire about four weks after openeing.  It could be that glasses would be better for you instead of contac lenses.  Contact your doctor and tell him.  If you are not satisfied have a second opinion from another doctor.

  4. I have worn contacts for fifteen years. The best ones I have come across ar Acuve Oasis Hydraclear. You cant feel them at all. They need to be changed out for a new pair when they are feeling dry.

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