I got contact lenses half a year ago, and it works good, but after about 5 or 6 hours, my eyes start feeling weird. When it happens, I have to blink a lot, and the contacts feel kinda dry. Sometimes, it makes my eyesight a little blurry (for a few minutes) too. I went to my eye doctor after the second month to get it checked, but all they gave me was a new perscription. It made no difference though. My eyes still felt dry and uncomfortable after 5 or 6 hours. It's really annoying, and I look like I'm crazy, cause I'd blink a lot when this happens. Does this happen to you? Do you guys know what this might be? I bought some dry eye solution, but it hasn't made much of a difference (I've only tried it twice though, so I don't know if it takes a while to see the results). I also have astigmatism, and both my eyes have a different degree. Also, my eye doctor has been perscribing me this eye solution cause I have this infection. I used