
What is the deal with no competitors for SSBB's "With Anyone"?

by Guest62320  |  earlier

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I get barely anyone versing me in this, and I am very lazy to do wii codes exchanges, so I am asking: What can I do to work around this problem? Even if it is midnight that I decide to play, surely someone out there is awake right? I tried "Spectator" where I watched a match at midnight, so no excuse right? Millions of people would have this game, so surely a percentage would feel like playing at midnight, right?




  1. I agree. I always thought the same thing. The game is one of the Wii's biggest wi-fi games yet it takes me usually 5 minutes for a with anyone match.

    Sorry to advertise but just in case you're looking for new people to play in smash, I'm the owner of a clan and we have quite a few good smash players to test you out =]

  2. First, spectator is not live. It simply sends you a replay of someone else's online match that has already happened.

    Second, based on what I've read (meaning, this is possibly untrue), the game will search for people within your general area by default. Even if there are 100 people looking for matches in California, if you live in Texas you might sit there and wait forever for a match.

    Apparently the algorithm for finding people is pretty bad anyway since even during what should be peak hours, you have difficulty finding anyone. In general, it's just a poorly designed online system hurting what is otherwise a great game.

  3. It takes me abou 10 minutes to find somebody. Just have patience my friend.

  4. Im not sure, but I have the same problem too. I wait forever and ever until it disconnects for some reason or I just get tired of waiting.

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