
What is the deal with sugar!!!???

by  |  earlier

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as in i would higly advise against giving kool aid do to the extremely high sugar content :p i wouldn't even give my kids that. but everything on the plant that grows has some form of sugar in it. apples, bananas, int he wild they'd eat berries and other stuff like that. so what is the deal with the "hamster feed" its not like it'll kill em. the "processed" stuff i'd say no cause thats not even guaranteed healthy for us. i have been told numerous times, by vets and pet stores, that they can (and will)eat anything a human can except for meat. if a hamster gets loose and you never find him but he's been in the house ever since... whats he gonna eat? he'll try getting into cereal box's and cookies and crackers and such.

so what is your opinion, why does everyone say sugar is "the devil"?




  1. Not all sugars are created equal like you said, and the processed stuff is not at all good.

    As far as sugars in the feed and excess in sugar can cause a disruption in the healthy gut flora that hamsters need.  This can result in various problems from difficulty getting B vitamins (hamsters are coprophagic and receive their B vitamins this way).  Also, disruption in gut flora can lead to diarrhea which is extremely dangerous.

    Highly processed sugars can lead to dental cavities.  These are rare in hamsters but can occur.  Just like in kids, sugar is not good for teeth.

    Finally, some types of hamsters are very prone to diabetes.  They should have a carefully managed diet that is low in carbohydrates.

    Oh, and a quick note.  Meat is fine for hamsters, they are omnivores unlike some of the other rodents kept for pets.

  2. There's natural sugars, processed sugars, and artificial sugars, among others.  If I watch my human child's sugar intake, and monitor her diet, I do the same for my fuzzies since I consider them family members too.  I allow my child and fuzzies sugars found naturally in foods - but I will limit it, since I know that causes problems if either goes overboard on sugar.  That's not to say they don't get some processed food - like Cheerios as a treat - they do, but in very small doses.  Hamsters are easily susceptible to diabetes - especially the dwarfs.  Small critters can get obese  - it's not just fat that makes a pet or person obese - it's caloric intake and sugars.  I prefer my child and my fuzzies get the best I can give them - and usually the healthiest choice I can make for them while I'm at it.  Sorry we don't live on junk food in my house.  Fast food about once every six months, if that, since we're not big on over-salted junk either.

    As for finding a lost hamster, which I've had to do a few too many times due to a child and/or a crappy cage... my hammies loved broccoli and corn on the cob and I baited paper bags with broccoli or corn on the cob to find them.  I've also found them by putting out a dish of their food and found one of them holed up in the kitchen pantry surrounded by food.  The only thing he got in was to chew thru a bottle of water, and was hiding with a good stash of his food.  They never went after the crackers or other food in the pantry, and could have easily as these were Syrian hamsters.  My dwarf hamsters don't bother to escape, and can't.

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