
What is the deal with the Greek temple look at the Obama rally in Denver? What happened to common man look?

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What is the deal with the Greek temple look at the Obama rally in Denver? What happened to common man look?

I thought Michelle and Barack were common people with NO egos? If Barack gives his speech tomorrow in front of that Greek pantheon/temple backdrop set he's gonna look a bit pompous and grandiose. It's something you would expect to see on a professional wrestling Wrestlemania set, not on a solemn, major-impression political speech stage.

Anybody else dismayed by the Greek temple thing? How are independents and middle-of-the-road undecideds in Ohio, Penn., and Indiana gonna look at this staging and showcase?




  1. I really don't understand what the issue is here. Neoclassicalism is a valid architectural style. Attaching social and political connotations to it is a bit odd. The style isn't restricted to Greek temples; it's used in just about every famous building in Washington. Besides, I bet several of John McCain's houses have neoclassical pillars ('Greek temple look').

  2. No, you're wrong.  It celebrates democracy.

    Any fool can see that.

    Besides what to you care?  You're a Republican so what's it to you in the first place.

    I am dismayed at all these obtuse questions.

  3. It is symbolic of the White House, nothing more.

  4. No matter what the backdrop someone is going to find fault!

    I don't give a d**n what the backdrop is!  

  5. WOW!

    Athens: the Greek City-State and only true democracy in history.

    Can't understand why they would pull such an obscure and pretentious symbol of democracy.

    Probably should have gone for the slave-ship look, huh.  No, wait Obama's daddy's family were never slaves were they?

  6. Ego-maniac.

  7. I don't care what backdrop he uses, but Obama and his party are failing to grasp the fact that they are playing right into the label that McCain is hitting him with.  Its politics!  

  8. The Greek temples were built as temples/homes for their gods.  Are we to think him a god??  This backdrop is NOT emblematic of a democracy I'm familiar with.  Add to that, refusing the convention site in favor of a venue to house 70,000+ followers shows an ego gone over the top.  It's not pretty.

  9. Democrats have already deified him, he's just pretending to be a Greek God in order to milk it as far as he can.

  10. The greek temple look relates back the democracy of rome.  Our country is based on the principles of the that.

  11. if you studied Greek history then you should know that's where democracy started,

  12. A mile high city to go with a mile high ego

  13. What's a "common man look"?  You realize the roots of democracy flow from the ancient Greeks, right?  If the best you can do is to criticize the stage set...McCain is in TROUBLE.

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