
What is the deal with the water/gas hybrid kits for your car?

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I have heard about an easy system that you can use to convert any car into a gas/water hybrid. They say that 4 ounces of water every 100 miles will make your car twice as fuel efficient. They say that most people have not heard of it because the oil companies have been trying to silence this technology for as long as 50 years. Here is a website that has some of the guides on how to convert your car to run partially on water:

Here are my questions:

1. Has anyone tried this and does it work? Or is it a scam?

2. How hard is it to convert your car?

3. Will it make your car more or less noisy? More or less powerfull?

4. Are there any ill effects on your engine (such as overheating or faster wear)?

Please cite your sources. I do not want this to be a pollitical debate. I am looking for facts on this process only, not opinions on the conspiracies of the oil companies, liberalists making stuff up, or corrupt politicians. Thanks.




  1. I also thought it's a scam after reading on until last month I was on the business trip to CA(Los Angeles) and stop by there all water for gas entrepreneurs get together. What I saw is blow my mind.

    So many people already installed this and saving money as we speak. Some people installed this on brand new cars!!!

    And for you people who said it's not possible in theory why don't you find at least one person who installed this and try to argue with that person.

    May be not all systems are the same, but so many people I've seen with this system - can't be wrong.

    I finally find a guy who installed on my car, but my savings not much (about 15-20%) yet, because I installed simple 1 canister device without any electronics. But I'm working on the next step... good luck

    BTW... to answer that nz guy who posted "there is no scientific evidence..." - watch video on FAQ page how Japanese company just created real 100% water car !!!

    And this is not a spam, it's from Reuters News.


  2. They are all SCAMS SCAMS SCAMS.

    Believe nothing that you read on those sites.

    Believe me or believe hundreds of years of physics and engineering, they are not possible.

    they claim you can get something for nothing, but you can't, the laws of thermodynamics and physics say you can't.

    If this were possible, we would all be driving around with one of these in our cars, and we would have on in our basement for electrical power, and never touch a drop of oil.

    Here is the best analogy I've found:

    Start out with a £5 note. Go to a bank and change it for five £1 coins (minus a service fee). Go to a different bank. Change your coins for a £1 note, minus another service fee. Repeat until you have several million pounds!

    Sources: Any book on elementary physics or thermodynamics. The U.S. patent office. Any competent engineer or physicist.

  3. I bought one of these systems from and got a 30% increase in gas mileage. Take a look at the website. It is only 50 bucks

  4. Hello,

    I had discover it a few weeks ago, and i bought all the kits on the market.

    I read all the guides and i take the most step-by-step and easy to follow. And installed it on my car, now is working and is saving me money!

    To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, theres is a few seems to be SCAM, i didnt try it, just take the better one.

    2. Is really easy, it takes me 1/2 day to buy all the things and 1/2 day to install it.

    3. Noise is the same, nothing to do with that. And powerfull no change.

    4. I don't know, but to me is not doing anything different, just saving me gas.

    I made a blog, about this products, reviewing the top 3, you can check it here: .

    Also i can give you a FREE Sample e-Book to show you the power of this kind of systems, to apply to this amazing gift go right now: it is time limited offer.

    You will find very usefull this info.

    Have a great day!

  5. I found a website at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c... that gives four different reviews on this water fuel conversion kit. They even have a video that shows you how to do this step by step. I did not buy my kit yet because I am doing my own research to see if it is feasible or not. The video at http://waterfuelconversion.googlepages.c... is very impressive and with these high gas prices, I am tempted to try almost anything right now.

    In my research, I found something about hypermiling. Someone says it is like drafting and possible dangerous, but there are some things that I like about it when it comes to saving gas; one of which is driving slower and not accelerating as much. The hypermiling website blog was at I hope that helps.

  6. To abswer your question, the devices being touted as capable of converting water to hydrogen to improve your gas mileage are a scam. The conversion isn't as simple as they try to make you believe. As to water injection, yes it can work to (ratio is very critical) to improve power. The Army Air Forces experimented with it and used it, to some extent, on piston engine planes, during WWII. They determined however, that the maintenance (engine overhaul after two or three flights) wasn't worth the power gains.

  7. To answer your questions:

    1. Yes, people have tried it and although some claim it works, there is no scientific evidence to prove that it does.  How come some claim it does?  Well because it is a giant scam which uses well-paid affiliates.  These affiliates (very few of who actually have these systems in their cars) are told to lie about the system and claim they do have it.  They make outrageous (untrue) claims such as "it works for me, my gas mileage has improved from 18mpg to 28mpg since I fitted the device" and direct people to a website where you're encouraged to buy a kit or book.  If you're silly enough to do so, the affiliate earns around $25-$50 (50% of the sale price).  So it's no wonder they lie.

    2. It is not hard at all to convert your car - but it is a complete waste of time because these systems will actually *reduce* your fuel efficiency.  See the link I've provided for the reasons why this is the case.  You end up drawing more power from your engine than is returned by way of the gas that's generated and to create that extra power you have to burn even more fuel.

    3. It will neither increase the noise or power of your vehicle. In fact, you'll have *less* power because some of your HP will be wasted simply heating your alternator and the electrolysis cell (which can run 100 deg F or higher).

    4. There *can* be ill effects.  If the hydrogen gas flashes back into the electrolysis cell this can explode and spray water (usually with a dilute acid or salt) around inside the engine bay -- wetting your electronics and electrics -- plus producing a risk of the electrolysis cell shorting and creating a fire).

    The best source I can suggest is the link below where the nature of the scam is described and there is some very simple math to prove why these things don't and can't work.

    Please read the pages involved in this article and also tell your friends -- just in case they might be tempted to get taken-in by these conmen.

    And remember... if it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is.

  8. Well if you are not a mechanic or dont know about it then it is probably going to be hard... i know this, car companies have had the technologies to make these kind of cars for a LONGGG time...

    I suspect that the news never spreads around because there is no news like bad news right? lol

    Besides, the oil industry has been so powerful and noone has been able to do anything about it until now and even now its too late at the fuel price for diesel to 5 bucks...

    google out phoenix motorcars, those are cars that have been trying to get on the market for about 4 years now... and they are still not out, reason, i don't know, but they are electric and powerful cars, it still has a little dependency on charging the car, but what they dont tell you is that this could be fixed by adding powerfull alternators, but noone knows about it... lol

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