
What is the decrease in average temperature for every increase in altitude of l00 m?

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What is the decrease in average temperature for every increase in altitude of l00 m?




  1. Temperature variation with altitude

    Temperature normally decreases with increasing altitude throughout the troposphere. This decrease of temperature with altitude is defined as lapse rate. The average decrease of temperature—average lapse rate—in the troposphere is 3.6°F per 1,000 ft. ( 1.2 degrees fahrenheit for every 100 meters) But since this is an average, the exact value seldom exists. In fact, temperature sometimes increases with height through a layer. An increase in temperature with altitude is defined as an inversion, i.e., lapse rate is inverted.

    An inversion often develops near the ground on clear, cool nights when wind is light. The ground radiates and cools much faster than the overlying air. Air in contact with the ground becomes cold while the temperature a few hundred feet above changes very little. Thus, temperature increases with height. Inversions may also occur at any altitude when conditions are favorable. For example, a current of warm air aloft overrunning cold air near the surface produces an inversion aloft. Inversions are common in the stratosphere.

  2. The average fall of temperature with height is about 0.6 degree celcius for every 100 metres.

  3. well i know that standard temperature decrease is

    1.98 decrees for every 1000 feet here in Canada but if you wanna do the conversion you go right ahead, your homework not mine

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