
What is the defference between strengths and key skills?

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What is the defference between strengths and key skills?




  1. I think strengths is a general statement. Key skills would be more of what do you have to advantage the given situation or duty.

  2. They are similar, if not the same.  I'd say any difference is that a strength can be anything someone is good at, and a key skill might be a skill that is specific or rare.

  3. Strengths are within you, goes with your character and attitude.

    Skills you develop over a period of time through learning and experience.

    Strengths may be positive attitude, hard working, stress handling so on...

    skills may be apptitude skills, computer skills, soft skills

  4. You could have been more specific...

    anyways, your strengths are the areas in which you can beat anyone..

    While key skills are your abilties in which only you have an edge over others..

    Punch line is that theres not really much difference, Just a minor fine line diffrentiating them..

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