
What is the definition for the term "river-valley civilizations"?

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I know that they are the Egyptian civilization, Indus valley civilization, Hindu civilization, and Mesopotamian civilization.




  1. Many large early civilizations (like the ones you mention) grew up around a river. The banks of the river and surrounding 'bottomland' were prime farmland, cities grew up for trade and support, the river provided transportation.  The fertility of the valley made civilization possible, and provided the surplus of wealth that is necessary to build civilization--technology, religion, architecture,  culture etc.  The same pattern happened several times in different places.

  2. After man learnt the way of growing food himself instead of wandering for it, he realised that to cultivate, a nearby source of water is neccessary. He found such a place beside the banks of great river. In a hundred years or so, the group of few men who arrived at the river valley increased in number to give birth to thriving civilizations. Since these civilization dwelt near bank of rivers, they're called river valley civilizations.

  3. A civilization that is centered around a river valley.

  4. It is a term applied to very ancient civilisations. I think 'Hindu civilisation' is not one of them; first the adjective 'Hindu' is applied by  West Asians and the West. In ancient times people settled down near big rivers. Their culture and civilisation flourished there. Examples are Nile valley, Indus valley, Mesopotamia (Tigris & Euphrates) that is being vandalised by Americans.  

  5. What always amazed me is the civilizations that grew up without a river (or the wheel). I am amazed that the Mayans built those cities without the benefit of a river to carry those stones. Some of the cities had cenotes to provide fresh water, but many just collected water from rainfall.  

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