
What is the definition of Greenwich mean time, and is it the same as zulu time ?

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What is the definition of Greenwich mean time, and is it the same as zulu time ?




  1. GMT :

    By international agreement, the local time at the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England. Before 1972, this time was called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but is now referred to as Coordinated Universal Time or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

    Time Zones used to be known by letters of the alphabet, and Z (Zulu in the phenetic alphabet) was the letter for GMT, as it was known then. M was the letter for what is now NZST.

  2. If you're not bothered about accuracy of less than a second, then you can take Zulu as being the same as Greenwich Mean Time.

    Greenwich Mean Time is the hour angle of the Mean Sun at the meridian of Greenwich. Greenwich Mean Time was renamed Universal Time (UT) but because of the variability in the Earth's rotation, UT (GMT) is not a uniform time system and was replaced in 1972 by Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is fixed at an exact number of seconds different from International Atomic Time, thus is a uniform time system, but with leap seconds introduced at suitable intervals in order not to depart from UT by more than 0.9 seconds.

    UTC is used as the basis for the world's time systems and is referred to as Zulu for aviation purposes.

  3. there is a line in london marked GMT, which is basically the time for all over the world,

    on the line is the exact time in england,

    and then either side of the line either adds or minus-s hours depending on how far away from the line they are

    and this goes all the way around the world.

    so like, australia is GMT+12 hours,

    so if its 7pm in england, it'll be 7am in australia.

    or in spain its GMT+1 hour

    so if its 7pm in england, it'll be 8pm in Spain.


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