
What is the definition of a god parent?

by Guest21299  |  earlier

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What is the definition of a god parent?




  1. My dear... "pretty tough cookie"...

    Well... I don't know about a : "GOD" pareant, but I'm pretty sure you've meant a :  G O O D  parent , right? RIGHT!!! Well... over here we have a "saying" which says:

    "You can only be a blessing to your child, if your parents have been a blessing to you !!!"

    Makes sense, doesn't it ??? Competent parents are really -hard- to come by these days....And... If I "would rule the world", I would  make it a LAW ...that each individual, who intends to become a parent would have to absolve "classes / courses / exam's, " etc. in order to get a solid education in raising children!!! For all other "things" one needs a "certificate", etc, but for the most responsible "JOB" in the world, one only (forgive me for putting it so vulgarly) needs to..."spread their legs"!!!! These days, young people get involved in sexual practices without adaquate protection & end up ...pregnant... before they know, wether their "partner" likes "Hamburger's or Hot-dogs"...That's such a shame, when see young girls being so careless about their body &  end up with unwanted pregnancies....How in the world can they ever become... "good parents"??? Before I write a "monologe" , I give someone else the space to comment... Wishing you all the best from Germany... with love....Annette***

  2. one who stands surety for another in the rite of Christian baptism. In the modern baptism of an infant or child the godparent or godparents make profession of faith for the person being baptized (the godchild) and assume an obligation to serve as proxies for the parents if the parents either are unable or neglect to provide for the religious training of the child, in fulfillment of baptismal promises. In churches mandating a sponsor only one godparent is required; two (in most churches, of different s*x) are permitted. Many Protestant denominations permit but do not require godparents to join the infant’s natural parents as sponsors. In the Roman Catholic Church godparents must be of the Catholic faith.

  3. Love your kids, take care of them, and know that you are not perfect!  Let kids explore themselves and dont force them into activities.  Support their decisions and teach them right from wrong.

  4. Traditionally, a god parent is a person the parents select to continue the childs religious education if the parents can't do so.    Now a's someone who sponsors a child's baptism.

    It has nothing to do with custody or legal rights.

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