
What is the definition of a squid?

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I know what a RUB is, not until I visited this site did I hear the term Squid used.




  1. A show off kid that dont have a clue but talks like they know everything

    One was bashing on Harleys the other day I went to his profile all his questions were about video games and one wanting to know how to talk his parents into buying him a razor scooter "For real"

  2. "Squid" is used interchangably with the term "newbie."  So it just means a new rider not used to riding frequently yet.

  3. Means "squirrely kid", referring to riders of sportbikes who don't ride responsibly.

  4. Squid is a sport bike rider that doesn't wear protective gear.  We've all seen them.  No helmet, wife beater tank top, and a pair of flip flops.  It gets even better when the girlfriend is in a bikini with her *** hanging off.  And these are the guys who are doing the "trick riding" out on the open street.

    Want to trick ride take it to the parking lots.

    Want to ride fast take it to the track.

    98% plus motorcycle riders are safe, sane and in control.  It's the 2% that the general public has a problem with.

  5. If a squid stays a squid to long it becomes a organ donor

  6. It's an acronym.






    Usually refers to a young male inexperienced rider, who buys a powerful sportbike, and can't resist twisting the throttle or trying to do a "stoppie."

  7. used 2 ways....

    to refer to a new or bad rider, or someone without the proper gear on (sandals, shorts, etc)

    or to refer to a crotch rocket rider

    comes from squirrely kid

  8. That is an old term.A squid is a beginner or a bad rider you have to watch out for.

  9. Squid's are sometimes defined by action, not necessarily experience. Cruiser riders can be squids, too, IMHO.

    Some actions include:

    1) Hauling a** at 100-plus MPH down an interstate highway with nothing but a wife-beater shirt and shorts on. Optional: girlfriend with tight shorts and bikini top. Nice to look at, but stupid nonetheless. Also included: anyone who feels like completion of an MSF class is a substitute for safety gear.

    2) Someone who feels like they need to rev their bike over and over at each stoplight. This goes for both sportbikers and "loud pipe" cruiser riders as well.

    3) Someone who has to swerve back-and-forth in their lane when starting off, like a Nascar driver warming up their tires.

    4) Kid who feels like they're amongst the crowd since they bought a litre-bike as their first ride. They're usually the ones in the back of the pack, scared to turn and duck-walking at each stoplight.

    5) Young wannabe on a Sportster who makes snide comments to the 70-year old on a GoldWing (who's been riding since he was 20 and returned from Korea). Again, the young fella can be spotted later in the back of the pack, scared to turn and duck-walking at each stoplight.

    There are hundreds of other examples, but I'm tired.

    I know the term is usually in reference to sportbikers, but I think it's interchangeable between cruiser riders and sportbikers, respectively.

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