
What is the definition of socialist?

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i have looked it up im my text book, and online... i can seem to find it.

socalist, as in the soviet union. it would be much apreciated!





  2. Then it is not a word

  3. or So·cial·ist [sṓshəlist]

    n (plural so·cial·ists) (plural So·cial·ists)

    believer in socialism: somebody who believes in or supports socialism or a socialist party  


    1.  advocating socialism: relating to, based on, or advocating socialism  

    2.  relating to socialists: relating to socialists or a socialist party

  4. A good reference is below.

    Socialism is a wiggly term.  Most who advocate it think that it is the definition of 'good' and all of the catastrophic implementations were somehow tainted; rather than socialism itself being fundamentally unsound.

    Your teacher is probably looking for something along the lines of, "Economic and social system under which essential industries and social services are publicly and cooperatively owned and democratically controlled with a view to equal opportunity and equal benefit for all.".

    Of course, collectivism is slavery.  However, socialists, and those who share their views, don't like to hear that.

  5. A socialist is someone who favors socialism:

    Socialism: An economic and political system in which private property is abolished and the means of production (i.e., capital and land) are collectively owned and operated by the government in order to advance the interests of all. In Marxist ideology, socialism is considered an intermediate stage in the transformation of capitalism into communism.

  6. The noun socialist has one meaning:

    Meaning #1: a political advocate of socialism


    The adjective socialist has 2 meanings:

    Meaning #1: of or relating to or promoting or practicing socialism

      Synonym: socialistic

      Pertains to noun: socialism (meaning #2)

    Meaning #2: advocating or following the socialist principles

      Synonym: socialistic


  7. CHECK DICTIONARY.COM DUH   by the way thats not a word

  8. one who advocate the practice of socialism which is:

    any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

  9. soviets were Marxists, socialism is communism light, they let private businesses operate, Communists everything is run by the state

  10. A socialist is someone who supports socialism.

    "Socialism is the belief that the next important step in progress is a change in man’s environment of an economic character that shall include the abolition of every privilege whereby the holder of wealth acquires an anti-social power to compel tribute." - Ben Tucker

    For many supporters of socialism, "socialism" means that the workers control the means of production, while "capitalism" means another class controls the means of production.

    Historically, supporters of socialism have varied from opponents of the state (like Proudhon or Bakunin) to supporters of it (like Engels), as well as from supporters of completely free markets (like Proudhon or Tucker) to supporters of planned economies (like Marx) to supporters of free access to common means of production (like Kropotkin).

    Now things get complicated because some people (e.g. Marxists and Misesians, taking opposite sides) have identified centrally planned economies with "socialism" and free-market economies with "capitalism." Anarchism and similar ideas would be a third category, "syndicalism," in the Misesian classification.

    (For the record, collectivism is not slavery; collectivism is the form of anarchism proposed by Bakunin and some others, where the community would own some or most of the means of production, and buy and sell goods. This contrasts with mutualism, which is much more market oriented, and anarchocommunism, which abandons currency entirely.)

  11. Barrack Obama

  12. A socialist is a person who believes in big government, with which to control your life from cradle to grave - a "nanny state" which governs your schooling, your career, your health care, basically your life.

    The Soviet Union was "communist" a form of socialism, in which the workers were the rulers and all were equal with equal shares of the profits of their labor.  All well and good in theory, but the theory turned out to be dictatorial in practice, with the elite "Party" apparatus controlling the lives of the populace.

    When the government provides all, and there is no reward for individual accomplishment, there is no desire to work hard to get ahead.  This ended up in shortages of ALL kinds, from food to manufactured goods such as clothing, household goods, etc.  The only part of Soviet society that benefited personal accomplishment was the Party.  To belong to Party was the only was to achieve any sort of success.

    Socialism and Communism only profit the controlling elite.  The masses are controlled through promises and smoke screens and propaganda.

    In socialism there is no reward for individual accomplishment.  No beneficial result for hard work and dedication.  To be rich as a result of your labor is to be regarded as "anti-social" in that your wealth should be shared with those less fortunate.  Sound familiar?  Like the taxation policies of the Democrat party?

  13. From merriam-webster:

    1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods


    a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

    b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

    3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

    Basically Obama, Clinton, McCain are all socialists.  For what America used to be, click below.

  14. socialism you can say it's a way the people can decide what is best for them, it's a way of living where everything that gets done it's for the good of the population.

    This basicly means: no landlords: the land would be distributed among comunities which are the ones that need it the most; health, education, security would be managed by the State; the companies would be moderated so they don't damage population....

    take as an example: Cuba or Venezuela,,,, and don't belive that **it they say that Cuba's situation is bad, 'cuz that's just a bunch of lies....

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