
What is the demographics on Yahoo answers?

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I guess I ask tough questions, 'cuz like 1, sometimes 2 people answer. So I figure most answers are given by 20 somethings of average intelligence. I know I'm average 'cuz I have to ask to start with.

I guess I thought more brainiacs or geeks actually wasted their time on Yahoo answers.




  1. I don't think there is anyway to know since there isn't any demographic info collected when we sign up.  Maybe the older folks and/or brainiacs and geeks just don't care to answer your questions.

  2. Most of my questions are the same way. In fact, the highest number that have answered one of my questions is 6. So don't feel too bad.

    I'm 47 now (birthday was last week. sigh), female, I hold a BA and an MEd with which I earned with a 4.0, Republican, Catholic, and I live just outside Philadelphia.

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