
What is the diet of an Olympic swimmer?

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What is the diet of an Olympic swimmer?




  1. One recent example is Michael Phelps he's on a 12,000 calories a day diet.  He eats plenty of healthy food and incorporates a lot of carbohydrates. He trains for 9 hours a day and burns off calories easily. Michael mentioned his diet in a recent interview, he stated that no matter how hard he tries he can't get over 200lbs.  Michael was awarded 8 gold medals at this year Olympics breaking 7 out of the 8 world records. Simply amazing.  Hope you watched.  You could probably catch his races and any further diet information the Internet.

    He enjoys junk food after competition is over!

    Hope this helped.

  2. I dont really know but Micheal Phelps is on 12000 calaries a day !!  

  3. well they have plenty of water got it

  4. i think it is pasta and stuff, like a high protein diet.

  5. "Pasta and Stuff" are not High protein diet.  Yes they do eat a lot of Carbs because that's ow they fuel their body.  Bicyclists and Marathon runners usually stay away from carbs on regular basis but the day before the race they would go into Carb-athon, so their body would have enough fuel for race-day

  6. Phelps has 12,000 calories a day!!!! for breakfast he has a 5 egg omlette french toast with powdered sugar on top and so much more he has a whole large pizza 1 pound of pasta uhhh... i forgot what else... an average person only eats around 2000 calories per day i think.

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