
What is the diferance between a Boeing acft and a Dougles acft?

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What is the diferance between a Boeing acft and a Dougles acft?




  1. There is no difference now, Boeing has purchased Douglas.

    but they were 2 very manufactures and they both manufactured civilian and military aircraft.. In my opinion Boeing builds a better A/C. I  have worked on both, and as we say if it isn't Boeing it's not going. but I think there both very good Aircraft

  2. really close to unbelievable.

  3. They are just aircraft made by different companies (until Boeing bought out McDonnel Douglas in 1998).

    They both shared the same design philosophy by building planes relatively simple and far more robustly than required compared to Airbus which tries to make planes as light as possible (with a few spectacular failures during testing) and using as much new technology as they can.

  4. Two different manufactorers.

    It like the difference between Ford and Chevy or Xbox and Wii.

  5. Not much as both have made some of the popular aircrafts, like Douglas made the famous Dakota during the second world war and Boeing made the 737 which is among the best seller passenger aircraft.

  6. Dougles was purchased by Boeing in the 90s

  7. If acft means aircraft, they are from two different companies. Lockheed is also another manufacturer/designer.

  8. About the same as a Ford and  Chevy

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