
What is the differance between a moose and a carabo?

by Guest66599  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know!




  1. Moose have huge antlers. and the caribou is known as a raindeer.

  2. The spelling (and it's spelled difference and caribou), they are entirely different species....where would you like us to begin.  You'd have better luck looking them each up and reading on your own.

  3. Both are cervids (in the deer family).

    Moose are bigger, and only the males have antlers.  In caribou, both males and females have antlers.

    Moose antlers have the appearance of a palm (a pretty solid base that branches out more towards the side), where caribou antlers are thinner and more "tree" looking and usually have a branch coming out forward over the nose and a branch going more towards the back over the body.  Moose are usually a more uniformed color as well with a dewlap under the chin, where caribou are more two-toned and don't have a big dewlap under the chin (although they can have a flap off their neck).

    Reindeer are domesticated caribou.

    Moose pics:

    Caribou pics:

  4. The main difference is the appearance.  A moose will out weigh a caribou by alot.  They have a nastier temper as well.  A moose feeds around wooded rivers and other body's of water most of the time.  A moose also has a set of massive set of solid flat antlers with prongs.  A caribou is found in the mostly flater tundra country.  Their antlers are more deer like.

  5. Both are members of the deer family, Cervidae, but they are completely different species.

    The moose (Alces alces), known as the elk in Europe, is the largest member of the deer family, weighing up to 1,550lb. It has a distinctive bulbous, overhanging nose, and the males have large, palmate antlers.

    Here's an image:

    The caribou (Rangifer tarandus) is known as the reindeer in Europe. It is the only deer species in which females as well as males have antlers, though the females' are smaller. This is the animal that pulls Santa's sleigh.

    Here's an image:

  6. Look it up, you will see a big difference.

  7. moose are moose:

    caribou are reindeer:

  8. A moose is a moose. A caribou is a reindeer.

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