
What is the difference, in a Fan and a Contact?

by  |  earlier

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I know that,"I" add a Contact. but when a Fan, adds Me, can he see my Q an A,s. Is there anything else,-l should know about the Differences ?.






  1. morning jo. i know this much that a yahoo member can set their profile to private, it is only when someone adds them selves on as a fan can they see your profile IF you set it up like that. i know this for a fact.

    (fans AND contacts can see your profile when they add themselves on to you)

    as for other differences i don't know.

  2. contact = someone who wishes a connection to be made

    fan=  one who likes what they see

  3. A contact is a person you wish to be connected with, and a Fan is a person who likes your show.

    When referring to fans and contacts on Yahoo, the contact is the person you wish to be connected with, and the fans are those who wish to be connected to you.

  4. you said it right

  5. I'm glad you asked this questions Jo because I have been wondering the same thing!  I would also like to know how to delete Fans who you don't want as Fans!! x

  6. hi Jo all i will say is beware of fans Hugs

  7. Ooh, not sure about that one Jo, I'm pretty sure that a fan can see your questions/answers etc, if you don't want them seeing them, probably best to block them!

  8. A fan cools you off, some contacts have the opposite effect.

  9. In my house a fan is an electrical item that blows cool air when it's hot and a contact enables me to see if I haven't got my glasses on !

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