
What is the difference, in terms of discipline between rugby and football. Fan discipline included?

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What is the difference, in terms of discipline between rugby and football. Fan discipline included?




  1. rugby is a real man's game.....

  2. football is played by kids and watched by hooligans rugby is played by "real men" and watched by adults. there does that answer you're question.

  3. Players and fans are far more sporting (which requires the discipline of good manners) in rugby than in soccer.

    In Britain, soccer is a working-class game and rugby attracts the better bred people.  Unfortunately the outside world doesn't know this, and so British soccer fans give the country a bad name with their hooliganism.  This behaviour is never found among rugby fans - they're much too tough to need to display their fighting ability ( the game does it for them anyway!).

  4. It's just down to greater respect and in terms of the referee, enforcement. In football I've lost count of the number of times the players have crowded around the referee shouting at him because they don't agree. In rugby the captain is the only one permitted to speak to the ref, if people start arguing, he simply penalises them or moves them back 10m if a penalty had already been called.

    As for fans, I think what you see in football is the result of its popularity. It attracts the kind of idiot that just wants to cause trouble and tar the name of the majority of peaceful fans. Some of this is down to how some of the players act as rolemodels. Fortunately rugby just doesn't seem to attract that kind of person and you therefore get mixed crowds and no fighting. Although, unfortunately there are elements of unsportsmanlike behaviour creeping in like the annoying tendency people have to boo the opposition goalkicker.

  5. james s blow it out of your ****.  i'm welsh and it is not a public school boy game there.  basically the rugby players are professional and football is a game played by young kids (rooney, beckam, etc) who never get the chance to mature properly before shoved into the limelight paid a fortune of money and are destroyed mentally and physically before there 40 (gassa,best) football is a business in the same mind as boxing and has no regard to the players.  rugby has not become that but so easily could.  It has not been a professional game for that long and we will all just have to see.  both sports could learn a lot from each other.

    in regards to discipline i think it has all been said above.

  6. In Rugby they dont chat back to the ref and the captain is the only one to talk to him unless he calls another player over.

    And the crowd are all mixed together...... theres no home and away ends.

    The fans dont fight each other either.

    They respect the other fans more as fellow sportspeople.

  7. I love both sports, I'm just going to say that now.

    However, in a rugby match, in terms of the players, 9 times out of 10, one will see more discipline than in a football game. Part of it is due to the code of conduct in both sports: in rugby, the captain from each team are the only two players allowed to talk to the referee. In football, that is not the case.

    When it comes to the fans, at the American collegiate level, the same pattern tends to fall, with the spectators being more respectful to the ref at a rugby match.

    I cannot  make an accurate judgement for the professional level, for I don't know about professional rugby fan's behavior. Though I did see a video of a guy at the world cup try to tackle a kicker during either a penalty or conversion kick. He knocked himself out.

  8. ther is no arguin with the ref

    onli the captain can hav a say

    fans are mixed and there is no arguing

    lots more respect

    no rolling on the floor wasting time

    basically rugby is better

  9. footballs a game for tossers look how they act the players are disrespectful the fans are morons the players take dives lol

  10. Rugby players listen To the ref and respect him, footballers show no respect for the ref and spend half the time arguing as they all think they Gods.

    Rugby is a man's game that shows manners and is a gentlemens sport.

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