
What is the difference Between Constantine and Khalifa Uthman?

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Constantine burned all Holy Injeel Bible) and kept only his version which was created by him. He created TRINITY because Roman believed that the Roman Emperor was Son of god. Constantine's Injeel (Bible) made Jesus (as) son of GOD.

Khalifa Uthman burned all copies of the Glorious Quran.




  1. Well going by the Quran's logic they are both corrupt are they not?

  2. I know it scares me. Here's my Q -;...

  3. a power hungary person uthman,a conspirator

  4. Allah has taken over the responsibility to save Quran from any sort of harm and edit till the day of Qayamah..

    So by saying that Quran is edited or changed   itself challenges Allah's Statement about HIm protecting the Quran !

  5. 1) Constantine brought a distorted Bible, 'Uthmaan radhiallaahu anhu preserved the first revealed Harf of the Qur'aan

    2) If you claim that Uthmaan radhiallaahu anhu did the same which what Constantine did, then you are a Kaafir Murtad for claiming that the Qur'aan is distorted. Because there is NO remaining Ahruf except what Uthmaan radhiallaahu anhu had preserved. There's nothing wrong with Uthmaan's radhiallaahu anhu action.

    3) Either way you're heading down on a path of Kufr with these questions, but it's no surprise... you're raafidhee. You're leaders claim that the Qur'aan is distorted.

    So you and those that agree with you in this should check yourselves. You're trying to accuse Uthmaan radhiallaahu anhu of Kufr but in doing so you're committing an act of Kufr by claiming the Qur'aan is distorted.

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