
What is the difference PAL And NTSC formats for TV?

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  2. PAL systems is invited by Germany co,Telefunken ,around early 70,, that time European country ( except France )  B/W TV is CCIR systems, as 525 line, PAL  made it become colour Transmit. is mean from Station signers is colour,if you use PAL colour TV, you received colour, if you still in B/W TV ,will be same as before. this is great for first 5 years ,when colour TV just started , you still can keeps you B/W TV till you change, ( Telefunken hold 10 years world PATTEN , to received PAL colour, you need PAL circuit ,and you have to paid to TFK, even SONY made some own circuit to received PAL, after 8 years in court,Sony loss the case and paid about 10 M USD to TFK early 80,Sony Japan nearly close drown because of this, however TFK close mid 80,i just dint  know why ? ) //NTSC is 525 line defence with PAL,USA / JAPAN is using ( some country with long relation  with USA will also ,egg Philippines ) but USA / JAPAN  NTSC use defence sound frequency ,is mean IF TV is  main for Japan local,will nor received sound if that TV use in USA. Add info ,France is 626 line SECAM  formats,(part of Russia use that .)

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