
What is the difference a Wahabi and a Sunni?

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What is a Wahabi?

Who created Wahabis?

Am I a Wahabi?




  1. My dear brother... fear Allah....  

    Be a good Muslim ... not a wahhabi, a sunni or a shia

    Learn Qur'an....  

  2. Ignore what others say Waqas you know what you practise and Allah is All-Aware of the filth they utter ;)

  3. there is no such a thing as wahabi, it just a term s**+'a people use for Saudis!!!

  4. any body preaches Quran And hadith and forbids shirk and bidah .

    the lover of shirk and bidah call them wahhabi.


    @Osama .!

    How u say only wahhabi is iblees

    u even call abu Bakr & umar (ra) ibllees too

    And All sunni loves abu bakr & umar  

  5. what do you gain by these un necessary talking ! all are following scriptures.

    some say this is not authentic that is authentic. some says this is authentic and that is false weak.

    any way I am a muqallid, not a scholar

  6. Shias gave muslims this title ,to dfame them

    Shia evawahh.....Every day post question abot Sahabah and muslims ,and ,but today says suuni r ok

    did he for got his famous authentic book says :

    Abu bakr   was kafir ,and who loves him too.

    Alhumdolillah All muslims love him .so all r kafir in your eyes

    Then why u wasting your time by sdaying only wahabbis r Kafir ?

    Leave Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Sunnis love Ali (as), and Wahhabi are followers of Muawiya, who use to curse Ali (as) on the pulpits of medina and Mecca simple as that.

  8. he Wahhabi Myth (2nd Edition) - Dispelling Prevalent Fallacies and the Fictitious Link with Bin Laden By Haneef James Oliver

    The 'Wahhabi' Myth by Haneef James Oliver clarifies many of the gross inaccuracies and outright lies that have been attributed to the belief of the Salafi Muslims (often referred to as "Wahhabis"). Although some reporters have been vigilant enough to rebut some of these widespread fables, most have fallen headfirst into what one discerning reporter called, "the neo-conservative line that the whole conspiracy against America can be traced back to Wahhabism and the government of Saudi Arabia."

    The author of The 'Wahhabi' Myth outlines the principles of the Salafi creed in an easy to understand manner. Using many different sources, he carefully presents the arguments of the critics of Salafism and successfully addresses the misconceptions that are contained within these criticisms. Specifically, he addresses the commonly held belief that Osama Bin Laden is a Salafi/"Wahhabi". He compellingly dispels this myth and unveils the sect that has provoked Bin Laden to become the leader of a terrorist movement.

  9. Al-Wahhaab is one of the Attributes of Allaah.

    When people say so-and-so is Wahhaabi, they intend the following:

    "A follower of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab"

    According to the 'Aqeedah of Islaam, a person who is Wahhaabi should be a follower of whom? al-Wahhaab.

    Regardless, look at the insincerity of these people. If they were truthful they would say "Muhammadis" as the Shaykh they refer to is "Shaykh MUHAMMAD bin (son of) Abdul-Wahhaab" not Shaykh 'Abdul-Wahhaab, his father.

    The name was first used by the British in India years after the death of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab. Many of the indian scholars traveled to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and they learned from the scholars and began preaching Islaam again in India. This troubled the British and they spread the term "Wahhabi". The ignorant Muslims took this and used against anyone who called against Shirk and Bid'ah.

    The Rawaafidh Shee'ah have hatred towards the Shaykh because he leveled their shrines and graves where they used to worship the dead, such as in Karbala.

    From Abul-Hayyaaj al-Asadee who said: "‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib said to me: 'Shall I not send you for what the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) sent me? That you deface all statues and pictures and that you level all elevated graves.'" Related by Muslim (3/61), Aboo Daawood (3/70), an-Nisaa‘ee (1/285) and others.

    Excerpt from The "Wahhabi" Myth:

    The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."

  10. Wahabi are a cult, that controls mecca, and puts haram police to beat people in hajj, they are the scum of this earth.

  11. If at the end of the day Muslims see a profit in looting and grabing Non Muslim wealth, they will take the Wahabi line and support them to the hilt or just keep quite.

    If there is a backlash and they get a hiding, the moderates will come out of the wood works and blame it all on enemies of Islam.

  12. Sunnis are Muslim,

    Wahhabis are followers of Iblees.

    Here are some of the belief of Wahhabis

    1-Rituals are superior to intention

    2- No reverence of the dead is permitted

    3-No Intercessary prayer through Muhammad (saww) is allowed

    4- Wahhabis deny Quran by denying intercession by Muhammad (saww)

    5- Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab was totally hated Ale-Muhammad. He cursed them.

    All wahhabis follow him

    6- Wahhabis believe that Nobanaoozbillah a prophet can be elected by Ummah.

    7- Respect prophet just like your elder brother. Do not give special significant or preference to Rasoolallah (saww)

    8- Wahhabis claim that (Tobanaoozbillah) Allah is responsible of their sins.


    QURAN 15:39] (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-

    Wahhabis are Ibleesi




  13. Al Wahhab is one of the name of Allah SW.

    Wahhabi is a term frequently used by rafadis and grave worshippers to isolate Ahlus Sunnah from General muslim.

  14. Extremist Sunni Muslim who are backward, illogical and simply fanatic

    Wahab the terrorist and fanatic created it

    I can't tell for sure but some of your answers are similar to ones of a Wahabi but I hope you change and move in the right direction instead of being a Shia bashing extremist fanatic.

    I am sorry I never seen you bash Shias but some of your answers I've seen are a little backward and fanatic.;...

    You opposed being a modern Muslim and practising the religion in a modern way which is extremist

    It depends on how you practice it unfortunately if you practise it in a backward way then how is it modern.

  15. It seems this section has been taken over by Shee'ah spamming questions and comments about "Wahhabis".  This term, of course, is broadly defined as any aspect of Sunni Muslims that the Shee'ah don't like.

    The sheer volume of these clone troll accounts is impressive.

  16. labels or sects

    we are MUSLIMS..please lets jus keep it at that

    lets look into our selves and focus on correcting our behaviour and repenting for our sins before worrying about what others are the end we are gonna be accounted for our deeds alone.

  17. Sunnis are Muslims, and wahabis are a corrupted version of them.

  18. wahabi is term used by shias and khawarij to bash muslims(sunnis)  

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