
What is the difference betweeen deisel and biodeisel?

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What is the difference betweeen deisel and biodeisel?




  1. Diesel you get from the pump, the one with the green handle, and it runs without a problem.

    Bio-diesel you make at home after spending $2 to $7 thousand on equipment to convert vegetable oils into bio-diesel.  See

  2. Diesel comes from petroleum.  Bio-Diesel is from petroleum and a bio mass (vegetable oil).  Diesel makes you feel bad about the non existent global warming.  Bio Diesel makes you feel good, while increasing prices on other, non fuel, prices i.e. FOOD.  Increased prices for anything, meat, dairy and even for the vegan freaks soy, corn, peanuts, cotton.  How about alternative forms of energy?  Wind, solar and yes NUCLEAR.  Also let's not forget to build some refineries and punch some holes in the ground (DRILL).

  3. Diesel comes from petroleum. Biodiesel comes from plants, or a mixture of vegetable oil and diesel oil.

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