
What is the difference between 60i and PF24 with Canon HG10?

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I have a Canon HG10 video camera and am wondering what the difference between the 60i mode and the PF24 mode is. I know that PF24 shoots in 24 frames per second and 60i does 60, but when would you use what mode? Are there some things that would be better with PF24 v. 60i?




  1. The above commenter is full of c**p. They will not look the same at all.

    Here's the difference.

    24P is how you see movies. That surreal, jerky, but really cool look that Hollywood movies have? That's 24P. It makes things look dramatic and like movies.

    60i is what the local news and sometimes soap operas look like -- hyperrealistic, really fast... it looks " too real."

    Basically, most people use 60i if you're filming a birthday party and 24P if they're shooting an actual movie. But I think you should use 24P for everything, you can't go wrong with it.

    The only thing 24P would NOT be good at is something heavily in motion, i.e. don't film a football game in 24P. But 24P can make everything look more "filmic" and more dramatic, so if you want that look, use 24P.

    From a technical perspective, there are reasons 24P is better as well, but I'm not going to go into them. Basically use 24P unless you really have a reason not to. It will make whatever you're shooting look more filmic and professional.

  2. i think that 24 is the frame rate as in 24 frames (or fields) per second. 60i is the standard ntsc field rate. pal is 50i.

    24 p or 24f  is not really that necessary for video and would be only specifically useful unless you plan on doing a 35mm projection blow-up so it can match the film speed.

    shoot in 60i. it'll look pretty much the same.

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