
What is the difference between ATA, ITF, and WTF Tae Kwon Do?

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I was lectured by a guy who was a member of ATA that ATA is 'real Tae Kwon Do' and anything else is a joke. This gentleman said that it didn't matter if I learned TKD in Korea, ATA is the only recognized form in the world and the rest is junk. Any thoughts?




  1. The ATA  is known for making money and teaching watered down martial arts .

    In the ata a 400 lbs fat guy can be a master as long as he has the cash to buy the rank / the ata belts are not recognised in South Korea .

    I cant understand taking up a South Korean martial art and not having my belt recognised because the orginization I belong to is seen as a joke by the gov.body of Tae Kwon Do.


    Both ITF and KKW  ranks a recognised in South Korea / The WTF is a tounrnament organization created for the intention of making TKD sparring a olympic sport....


    The ata is like a double cheese burger from burger king . while the ITF / KKW/ WTF  is like a home griled fillet minion.


    If your orginization doesnt have ties to one of the 3 you arent learning TKD you are learning psuedo TKD that was croped together with Japanese karate techniches / [kata] and who knows what else.

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