
What is the difference between Democrat and Republican?

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I have read TONS about both, and yet I still haven't quite gotten a clear answer yet? I would love to hear from someone who is specifically just naming the facts instead of favoring one party or the other.... It's very difficult to understand exactly which party believes/does what when someone is favoring one over the other.... I don't quite know which side I am for and i'm thinking if I can get a clear answer, this can better help me to make my decision.




  1. Republicans enjoy killing animals for fun, Democrats do not.

    That kinda says it all.


  2. Republicans think Anne Coulter is hot


  4. The Democrats want a large government to take care of the needs of the poor.  They are pro union.   Such programs on the federal level comprise 2/3 of the federal budget.  They back Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, subsidies universal health care.  They also believe in regulations such as environmental laws, minimum wage and safety programs such as OSHA.

    Republicans believe in small government, national security and law enforcement.  On the federal level, they back about 1/3 of the federal budget.  They believe in less government regulation on businesses and lower taxes.  To help the poor, they believe that's what charities are for.

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