
What is the difference between England, Britain, Great Britain, British and English?

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What is the difference between England, Britain, Great Britain, British and English?




  1. In a nutshell..

    England: a politial division under the United Kingdom, homeland of the Angles and the Saxons (=English people).

    Britain: a term used to denote England, Wales, and Scotland.

    Great Britain: similar to Britain.

    British: someone from the island of Britain. A Scottish, English, or Welsh is British.

    English: someone who is a native of England; is also the name of the language they speak.

  2. The United Kingdom refers to England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. It's not the same as Britain and England, which refer to one country only.

    Great Britain often refers to England, Wales, Scotland, which are individual countries now united into one kingdom under the British crown.

    If you live in England/Britain, then you will be described as being English/British.

  3. the first person who answered, is wrong!

    England is a country

    Britain and Great Britain, are the same thing, the combined name for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    British is something from Britain, English is something from England.

  4. Great Britain is an island including England, Scotland and Wales. If someone is British, they could be from any one of these three countries.  If someone is English, they are from England. See for more explanation.

    The UK is not the same thing as Britain. The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  So the UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  5. The best answer is Sarch_Uk except that Northern Ireland is only part of Ulster (6 counties) the other 3 counties are in the Republic of Ireland

  6. The full name of the Country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain comprises of two kingdoms - England and Scotland and one principality - Wales. The thrones of Scotland and England were combined in the 16th Century when James VI of Scotland inherited the throne of England to become James of England, as England had never had a King James before he didn't become James I and VI until his second grandson ascended as James II and VII.

    England is the largest country of the UK

    English is something/someone from England, British is something/someone from Britain. Therefore something English is British but not necessarily the other way round.

  7. Britain is just the shortened version of Great Britain.  Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles and is made up of three countries...

    England, capital = London

    Wales, capital = Cardiff (Wales is also a principality)

    Scotland, capital = Edinburgh

    People who are born in England are English and those who are born in any part of Great Britain are all British, as well as being either English (from England), Welsh (from Wales) or Scottish (from Scotland).

    To take it one step further Britain is also part of The United Kingdom.  The other area making up The United Kingdom is the province of Northern Ireland which is called Ulster, capital = Belfast.

    It's full title is...

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Southern Ireland, which is called Eire, capital = Dublin, has not been part of the United Kingdom since the 1920's

  8. Nothing, there are the same forgot they also call it the U.K.

  9. England is a piece of land in the South-East of The British Isles, which is bordered by Scotland to the North and Wales to the East.

    Britain is an island made up of England, Scotland, and Wales.

    Great Britain is made up of Britain and Northern Ireland.

    The United Kingdom is a country made up of Great Britainm and other colonies such as Isle of Man.

    English is the language of England and the official language of the United Kingdom.

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