
What is the difference between Global warming and Climate Change? What's it's effect on water supply?

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What is the difference between Global warming and Climate Change? What's it's effect on water supply?




  1. global warming is a political myth that the media uses to get our attention and our votes. it has nothing to do with CO2 emmisions.

    climate change however is perfectly true. it is proven that the earth goes into phases of accelerated heat and cold. It's just something the earth does.

    and water will never dissapear, it is a renenable resource that we are creating more of every day, with desalinization and what not.

  2. Water will never run out, it's like energy it will always be here just in various forms. so it might be in the ocean in the clouds as vapour or trapped in ice but there will always be water

  3. Global warming refers to the overall heating of the earths surface as a result of the sun, while climate change refers to regional changes in climate characteristics which can include temperature and severe weather conditions.  Note that global warming (or indeed cooling) itself is a natural process - it is extreme global warming that we face today which is the danger.

    If extreme global warming continues at the rate it is now, its effect on water supplies will be massive.  Many populations (eg in Peru and Bolivia) get their water from glaciers, but as the world gets warmer these will dissapear faster (due to the albedo effect among other things), and thus many countries will have to compete for other sources of water, and a mass migration is likely as people move to places where water is more readily available.

  4. 31,000 leading scientists have just signed a statement saying that there is NO global warming.   Thats 31 THOUSAND.

  5. Global Warming is the name of an imaginary phenomenon, made up in the 80's, used to scare guilty white liberals into giving up their money and freedom to stave off an imaginary boogy-man.

    Climate Change is the new name of the same phenomenon.  A name change was required when it became blatantly obvious to everyone with a functioning fore-brain that the climate was not getting consistently hotter over time.  The term "Climate Change" was used because, lacking any kind of set or established standard, it cannot be disproven.

    Note also that this same phenomenon was, in the 1970's, called Global Cooling.  The name was changed to Global Warming for the same reason it was later changed to Climate Change.

    None of this will have an effect on water supply, as imaginary creatures have no effect on the real world.

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