
What is the difference between Heroes Season Two Dvd and Blu Ray Dvd?

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I want to know because I might be getting a ps3 for my birthday on saturday. What ever money is left I want to get Heroes Season 2(Favorite Show). WHat does Blu Ray have that the other doesn't. I know its not out yet, but Im ust checking to see if anyone has a clue or does know. Thanks.




  1. DVD supports resolutions up to 480p - this is not HD.

    Blu-ray supports 480p, but also supports the 3 HD resolutions - 720p, 1080i and 1080p.

    On a HDTV, the blu-ray version will look better.  Of course, the blu-ray version will also cost a LOT more, and if you don't have a HDTV, you may still want to get the regular DVD version for now.

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