
What is the difference between Hunt Seat riding and regular English flatting?

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A girl that I went to camp with (not riding camp- just generic summer camp) really confused my idea of Hunt Seat riding. I ride normal English for hacking and I do Hunter as far as work over fences. So what is the difference?




  1. hunt seat = forward seat. Its called the hunt seat because hunters will gallop and jump so it is easier and less strain on the horses back.

    flat seat =  normal seat, there should be a line from your head, shoulder, elbow and hip.  

  2. Huntseat, basically is a "forward" seat your stirrups are raised so that you can get more forward when going over a fence.  You contact with the reins is close to the horse's neck.  

    Flat Saddle or Saddle Seat is a style of English that basically has the rider sitting farther back on the horse, with lower stirrups.  Your hands are higher, to bring the horse's head up higher but still bridled.

    Then there's "Dressage"...  Once again you're sitting back, but leathers are just a bit higher than your "Saddle Seat" riders, so that the rider can use their aids more effectively.  Your hands are lower so that you can help your horse round it's body and work more with the rest of your body.

  3. I don't know if this is the 'official' answer since I don't ride hunt seat. But it has been my observation that hunt seat riders ride in a more forward position even on the flat than dressage or other riders. For instance, hunt seat riders usually ride the canter either in two point or in a half seat whereas other riders will take a full seat at the canter. They also seem to ride with stirrups a bit shorter than other riders.

    That is what I have observed, but I'd love to see an answer from a real hunter rider.  

  4. Unless you ride dressage, absolutely nothing.  "Normal" English is hunt seat... hunters go on the flat as well as in "Hunter under saddle".

    Hunter riders should not be in a perpetual two point at the canter.  It is done but it's not proper equitation on the flat.


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