
What is the difference between IBS and coeliac?

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I have just been diagnosed with havng IBS, however, my friend says I should double check I'm not coeliac because it is often overlooked?? i am so confused by it all anyone out there who could help and advise as my GP is so busy I don't want to keep making appointments for this.




  1. IBS Is a coveral term for a dodgy bowel! Coelic disease is an auto-immune disease that makes the bowel intolerant to wheat/grain products. It can be diagnosed by a blood tests. I have Crohns Disease which was initially diagnosed as IBS. Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis..another bowel disorder..can be diagnosed by x-ray. So if you have had x-rays and the blood test for coeliac then IBS is left as an alternative.

  2. ibs is what they diagnose u with when there is no obvious cause.i bet u have been given mebeverine hydrochloride...........u need to look at your diet and stop eating c**p............if u smoke give it up..take up execise and try a probiotic...i take  an Acidophillus tablet from Holland and Barrett..........there are plenty of websites will give u the info u want but try out my advice .it worked for me

  3. IBS is a syndrome characterised by alternating constipation and diarrhoea with associated abdominal cram. There are no clearly identifiable pathological changes in the bowel microscopically and no gross macroscopic defects. The condition is though to be stress related.

    Coeliac disease sometimes called gluten enteropathy is is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a gluten protein found in wheat. It is an auto immune disease where the body produces antibodies to the bowel, when exposed to gluten. It is easily screened out using a simple blood test for serum transglutaminase. I expect your doctor would be happy to arrange this test to reassure you.

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