
What is the difference between Judo and JuJitsu (however u spell it)?

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and what is JuJitsu Kata? what exactly is the Kata part?

thanks in advance




  1. Judo is a sanitized version of ju-jitsu,they took out all the dangerous techniques,joint breaking ,finger locking,pressure points etc.katas are the nuts and bolts/foundations of ju-jitsu,a series of pre-arranged movements/techniques to build your moves into a cohesive whole.

  2. Judo is a SPORT derived from the fighting technique of Jiu-Jitsu.

    In Jiu-Jitsu if you break an opponent's bone, dislocate a joint or cause permanent paralysis it's no big deal because it is a FIGHTING technique.

    Jiu-Jitsu is hand to hand, unarmed combat.

    n.b.; The key words are SPORT and FIGHTING.

  3. Judo (柔道 - gentle way) is a sport founded by Jigoro Kano around 1880 or so. Its parent art (the martial art it was derived from) is JuJitsu (柔術 - gentle art/technique.)

    Don't be fooled, Jujitsu is *anything* but gentle! The reference to "gentle" here is that it doesn't take much power or force to overwhelm an opponent, because you use the opponent's power against him.

    JuJitsu was developed for the samurai class as a method of unarmed defense on the battlefield. If a samurai were to lose his weapon in melee, he would still have the ability to defend himself until he could regain his katana.

    The most serious difference between Judo and *true* JuJitsu is that Judo is and always has been a sport. Yes, you now have sport JuJitsu and Brazilian JuJitsu which contain valid self-defense techniques, but JuJitsu was never originally conceived as any sort of sport. It was a means of self defense (and an extremely potent means at that!)

    Another martial art whose parent art is JuJitsu is Aikido (合氣道 - The way of harmonious spirit) - I just mention this one because all 3 of these martial arts actually share *many* techniques with only minor variations on how they are actually executed.

    Kata are basically "forms" - going through the motion of showing how the techniques are done - these are normally done at a slower pace in order to assure correct movements.

    There is also randori (free sparring) where you will face one or more attackers (depending on your skill level) and must dispatch them quickly. It's incredibly useful for practicing techniques more true to life because you generally don't have much time to think about what you're going to do.

  4. Never took either, so I don't know about "Jujitsu Kata" But Katas are forms that get you use to the movements and unlock new attacks that you can practice with, sorta like a puzzle.

    As for the difference, let's go for the similarities first.

    They are both grappling and they are both circular.

    Jujitsu is also known as Small Circle JuJitsu, consisting of small joint manipulation to take down the opponent, wrist as an example.

    Judo is known as Big Circle JuJitsu, consisting of using your whole body to take down the other person, like hip throws as an example.

    If you're talking about the Brazilian type of JuJitsu, that's pure ground game and submissions, it's the modern and most popular JuJitsu at the moment.

    All of these including the art Aikido Originated from the original JuJitsu (small circle).

    Hope this helped!

  5. kodokan judo is based on japanese jujitsu and is loosly considered a form of jujitsu. count maeda taught the kodokan judo to carlos gracie, who taught the inventor of JIU jitsu helio gracie.

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