
What is the difference between Kung Fu and Mixed Martial Arts?

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I was attacked a year ago and now that I have completely recovered I am going to take up self defense classes. I've narrowed it down to MMA and Kung Fu. I would like to know the differences and which would be better if I was forced to defend myself against an attacker again? I'm not interested in doing this for sport or to show off just want to be able to ensure my safety and the safety of those around me. I've done some research myself but I cannot really find what the answer to my question.




  1. For what you're looking for, I would probably go with MMA-remember, not all MMA schools train you to compete-even the ones that do, i bet they would still have some sort of self defense programs (like BJJ and Muay Thai with more of a self defense focus vs. competition).  I don't know how much sparring they do in Kung Fu class but you can get good really quick doing MMA because there is a great deal of emphasis on sparring and overall body conditioning

  2. The concept of using techniques from multiple arts is not new.  People have been doing that for a centuries.  Only recently has someone decided to put down some rules and create a sport called MMA.

    If you are forced to defend yourself against an attacker anything is better than nothing and more is going to depend on your attitude and skill than the style you use.

  3. MMA is a great, realistic fighting system. The greatest limitation it has is that there are so many rules, that it can be hard to adapt your MMA training to a street fight where anything goes. If you get used to not being allowed to use groin strikes, throat strikes, eye gouges, finger locks, or punches to the back of the head, then when someone attacks you, then you may be caught off guard when your attacker begins to fight dirty.

    In many forms of Kung Fu, you to use groin strikes, throat strikes, eye gouges, finger locks, and punches to the back of the head.

  4. Judging by your goals and what happened to you I would think you would seek out a Self Defense course. Check to see if they are available in your area. They teach self defence. You don't really want to learn to fight per se. Just to be able to do enough to get your family and yourself away from trouble. Either that or Krav Maga. Having said that. I would still suggest MMA or Brazilian Jujitsu to go with the self defense course. I say that because in those things you are REALLY hands on. Like you get to feel the weight of a real live person that is grappling with you and resisting. Also you can know what it is like for someone to throw punches at you at the very least. I know it isn't knife defense, but if you aren't ready for the speed of hands from someone that is really trying to hit you or the feeling of someone really trying to pull you to the ground then you may not be prepared for it. That is just my opinion. When I took TaeKwonDo it was nice to spar with the more aggressive guys. I feel the same way now that I'm in BJJ. Good luck and I hope you never have to relive getting attacked again. If you do I hope whatever you chose to go with will work like it is supposed to so you can get out of there.

  5. They both have pros and cons; in the end it is your decision. But on the short, I prefer MMA. It gives you a variety of fighting skills, while Kung Fu is Kung Fu. Your teacher probably won't throw in any other disipline for fun, or to round off your skills. So, I'd go with MMA.

  6. Kung Fu is a traditional Martial art from China. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a mixture of martial arts such as Kickboxing, boxing, jiu jitsu, and wrestling. Any of these would help with self defense but there is a huge difference between the two.

  7. mma is a sport...not a "style" or "system" is a way to practice many things in an "alive" manner from the same "delivery system"...or stance.

    they like to play it off as the ultimate street isnt even close.

    thats not to say it wont will. wont prepare you for alot of things you may face in a real no referees, weapons, hidden weapons..multiple gloves or cups...etc.

    kung fu is traditional, and contains more techniques..many of which are (ironically) illegal in mma competition. not because they dont work...but because they do work.

    kung fu will take you longer to learn and get good at.

    mma is quicker to learn, but wont fully prepare you.

    for real street fighting, id recommend a self defense art such as krav maga, jeet kune do, or some police/military tactics system, such as chu fen do (tony blauer) ..senshido (richard dimitri) or hocks scientific fighting congress (william 'hock' hochheim)

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