
What is the difference between MMA, UFC, PRIDE, and ELITEXC?

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Which is the most competitive? Which is the most popular? etc.




  1. They are just different promotions for fighters.  UFC is the most popular but that organization treats the fighters like c**p.  EliteXC treats there fighters well but is a fairly new organization that has a lot of work to do.  Pride is an organization out of japan that UFC bought a few years ago.  They took that money and started a new organization called Dream.  They are all really competitive but Elitexc pays their fighters better.

  2. Wow. these questions bug me!

    UFC, PRIDE, and EXC are all branches off mixed martial arts.  There is no league called MMA.

    UFC is most popular and bought out pride a while back so PRIDE doesnt exist.  EliteXC is a joke.  UFC is real.  EXC is garbage for poser fans that think their tough

  3. MMA is a sport.  The UFC, PRIDE and EliteXC are organizations that promote and hold MMA events.

  4. People are IDIOTS. you have wierrd question. mma stands for mixed martial arts. Pride was bought out by Zuffa(the company that owns the ufc. EliteXC is newbut has come a long way. do not buy in to what people say about witch orginasation treats fighters better. that is between the fighters, managers and promoters. the best fighters in the world though are in the ufc. they have the money to pay them and keep them. now competitive is different I can have the most competitive wrestling match of the night but that does't mean that were the best on the mat.

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