
What is the difference between MOVING ON AND LETTING GO???

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What is the difference between MOVING ON AND LETTING GO???




  1. moving on is accepting the thing or problem you dont want to release, but still remembering it. letting go is realizing the fact that you need to do this, and you just let it go like a leaf falling off of a tree, not being burdened by it, but knowing it used to be there.

    i wish i could help more. have a great day!!!


  2. When I think of "letting go" I think of the end or stoppage of feelings for someone because you have dealt with those feelings, whereas I think of "moving on" as going on to another (relationship) aside from how you feel about the past (you may have 'let go' and are now 'moving on' or just 'moving on' but haven't fully dealt with feelings for the previous person).

  3. I think when you let go of something you set it free and it's null and void in your heart and mind, but when you move on it's still there just not your main focus at the moment.

  4. when you move on, you may act in the real world, and change your life, but inside you still have not forgotten certain previous experiences or persons, they live on inside your mind. letting go means to accept the past, and just leave it like that, not clinging inside to any past memory of anything.

  5. Moving on - Start dating/seeing other people.  Letting go - Stop dwelling on the past relationship, or what you did in the past.  Put it together --- Start dating/seeing other people and stop dwelling on old relationships that didn't work out; start trying different things with different people.  Should you encounter the person you're trying to let go of, don't even look at them if you can't be polite.

    That's how I view it.

  6. Letting go means you give up on controlling a situation or changing it or even making it work.  It's as if you are standing on the bank of a swiftly flowing river, you throw it in t he river and it's now gone.

    Moving on is turning to something different or at least new and focusing on that.

  7. There's no moving on or letting go intill you come to closer. Closer is the key...  

  8. A ship at sea for many years picks up thousands of barnacles that attach themselves to the bottom of the ship and eventually weigh it down, becoming a threat to its safety. Such a ship ultimately needs its barnacles removed, and the least expensive and easiest way is for the ship to harbor in a freshwater port, free of salt water. Soon the barnacles become loose on their own and fall off. The ship is then able to return to sea, relieved of its burden. You are carrying around barnacles in the form of mistakes, regrets, and pain from the past. Perhaps you need to allow yourself to soak in fresh water for a while.

  9. Well, I have been in limbo for the past two years over a broken heart and my friends either say move on or let go and I just think it is easy to say but not easy to do. If you really love somebody, then you cannot just move on and let go because you really love that person. It is a total limbo to have your heart broken.

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