
What is the difference between Motion Control and Stability in running shoes?

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I have run before and am going to take it up again. I know both help with over pronation, but just don't understand the difference between the two. I know some are classified Motion Control and some are Stability.




  1. Motion control controls how your foot turns. It is usually a "bar" built into the bottom of the shoe and that bar moves your foot from the outside (when your heel hits the ground) to the inside (when you push of the ground) You should stay away from shoes that say Motion control and the reason I say this is because it is forcing your foot to do something. It is better to let your foot move on its own from the heel to the toe.

    Stability is just how the whole shoe is built. For example if you take two shoes, one is made for light weight and the other made for stability. If you try to bend the toe of the shoe back to the heel the light weight shoe will almost bend in half while the stability shoe will not. Stability is a good thing.

    Look for stability, not motion control

  2. Both have to do with your foot arches. Stability is for normal arches, motion control for flat feet, and a cushioned sole is for high arches.

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