
What is the difference between Ms. and Miss?

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This has been bugging me for a while. I see these on applications and I have no clue as to which one I should pick.




  1. ms. can b either single or married... they just choose not 2 tell

  2. Just a short form

  3. If you're happy with Miss, choose Miss. I'm quite happy to be called Miss myself.

    Ms. is usually used for either:

    a) married women who have kept their maiden names or don't want it made obvious they're married

    b)older unmarried women

    c) when you don't know if someone is married. It's impolite to assume someone is, or assume they are not.

  4. Miss normally denotes a woman under 18 years whereas MS would be a woman 18 or over who is most likely still not married but doesn't want you to know that.

  5. c'mon boh hv d same meaning!!!!

  6. miss=single

    ms.=it cood b either married or single, its wen u choose not to tell wat u are

  7. Ms. is just the abbreviation of Miss. Like the abbreviation for United States of America is just U.S.A.

  8. Ms. is the abreviation of Miss.

  9. Ms is the female equivalent of Mr. It does not specify whether you are married or unmarried. Miss is now used mostly for young, unmarried girls. If you're over 18, you should use Ms.

  10. Feminism.

  11. Ms is basically used if you dont know if someone is married or you could use it for either married or unmarried

    miss is unmarried women

    mrs is married

  12. One is a draft you send for publication.  The other is what you do to your deadline if the draft is late.

  13. Back in the day Ms. was reserved for women who over a certain agewho were not married.  Miss usually refers to a young lady.  I don't think that it really matters, they are just asking what you like to be called  even though they won't call you Ms. ______ or Miss ____

  14. ms -either married or not and miss -not married

  15. Ms. is the combination of Mrs. and Miss. to correspond to the Mr. of the male gender.  Married or unmarried, irrespective of age, a male is Mr.  Thus now you are Ms. Artificially Sweet.


  16. Miss is for young ladies. Ms. is for women that don't really want to disclose if they are married or not. But it is based on age.  

  17. Miss is an unmarried woman.

    Ms. could apply to a woman who is either married or single.  It's used so the woman doesn't have to define herself based on her marital staus (like using Miss or Mrs.).

  18. one is shorter form than the other.

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