
What is the difference between Obama's mom getting pregnant with him at 17 and Palin's daughter's preg. at 17?

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What is the difference between Obama's mom getting pregnant with him at 17 and Palin's daughter's preg. at 17?




  1. as in the case of ayers bombing the capitol when obama was 8 ,he was just a baby when born.

    that's the rational used by the faithful adorers of obama

  2. Obama, being unborn at the time had no impact on his mother's actions.

    Palin, being a mother of a minor child is responsible for her child's actions.

  3. The difference is Obama's father was already married, had a child in Kenya and one on the way.

  4. Thank the lord he could not prevent his mother from getting pregnant. Where Mrs. Palin should have been teaching her daughter the morale's and values of a good christian family.

  5. The difference is that the Holy Spirit impregnated Obama's mother.  All hail the new Messiah!

  6. Which party is all about family values, cutting s*x-ed programs for teens and against planned parenthood?

    Its an issue when its the GOP because they make it an issue every where else.  Its called being hypocritical.

    Think of Gore running around talking about conservation while having a huge home and electricity bill...  The same theme applies here.

  7. There really is none. The democrats always need something to criticize so they decide to pick on a 17 year old girl. She shouldn't be pregnant but they should leave her alone.

  8. None.  But the Obamabots call her a hero and adventurer (remember she dumped her kid on her parents to travel). And his father left her when Obama was two ,to take up with another woman..  In fact,he was married before he even met Obama's mom.

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